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2 pages/≈550 words
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Communications & Media
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 9.5

TED Talk Topic: Addiction to the Social Media

Coursework Instructions:

Please construct a memorandum and an outline for the work you've completed before. The format of the memorandum is plain and simple. Please see the attached files for examples.
The outline on the other hand is somewhat more complicated. You have to follow the steps like Introduction, and within introduction, you have to state your thesis statement. following the body paragraph, you have to state your point, and give out the support (scholarly sources you've found for the Ted Talk) in different points....
The example of an outline is also provided, please do a memo along with an outline based on the ted talk topic you have completed earlier

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Subject: TED Talk Topic: Addiction to the Social Media
I will be giving my TED Talk on “Addiction to Social Media” and show how over-using of social media is harmful to the user. I intend to specifically demonstrate how addiction to social media is as dangerous as any other kind of addiction and also to raise awareness on the increase of this kind of addiction. The research that was conducted by Bentley (2018), revealed that social media addiction is increasingly becoming as dangerous just like alcohol addiction. Based on that background, I would therefore give a presentation on social media addiction by highlighting its dangers and solutions to these problems.
The reason why presentation on social media addiction would be important during the Ted Talk is that it would inform the audience how dangerous it is to over use sites like Facebook and even Twitter. During the talk I will demonstrate how addiction to social media is increasingly taking toll on people’s lives. A case in point, there are some people who have lost their lives though road accidents, because they were busy chatting on the Facebook (Andreassen, Pallesen & Griffiths, 2017). There are some students who are also performing dismally in their class work because they spend most of their time on these social media sites, rather than studying (Andreassen, Pallesen & Griffiths, 2017). People have also lost their jobs because of spending too much time in the social media.
During the presentation to clear, I will categorize the problems into three; physical, social and psychological. I will then go deep with examples to ensure that audience is able to relate with each category, or rather relate the explanation with someone they are familiar with such as a friend or a relative.
In course of my presentation during the ted talk, I...
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