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9 pages/β‰ˆ2475 words
4 Sources
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Effective Teacher and Learning Environment for Students With Behavioral Problems

Coursework Instructions:

Everyone operates with a theory of what makes the best learning environment and how people grow and develop. The problem is that most education professionals’ theories are neither well-informed nor clearly articulated. This assignment will allow you to create a customized learning theory for a specific student. You will use theoretical perspectives to articulate your theory of the most effective teaching strategies and learning environment for this student. You will support your theory with a Christian perspective.
INSTRUCTIONS Review the following scenario:
Keven is a sixth-grade student who has attended three schools in the past two years. His mother is in the military and is currently deployed overseas. Keven lives at home with his father and two younger sisters. Keven is a good reader and typically earns Bs and Cs in all subjects except for math. Keven is currently failing his math class, and he failed math when he was in fifth grade. Keven’s math teacher, Ms. Thomas, describes his classroom behavior as unmotivated, careless, and frequently off-task. Ms. Thomas has tried to encourage Keven by offering incentives for improved classroom participation, but Keven declined to participate in the incentive program. Ms. Thomas held a conference with Keven and his father to discuss Keven’s classroom behavior, but Keven’s father seemed tired and distracted. He said that math has always been a challenge for Keven. Outside of school, Keven enjoys karate, skateboarding, and playing computer games. He attends church with his family and seems to enjoy the Sunday School program. Ms. Thomas is concerned about Keven’s ability to pass the state-standardized math test that will be administered in approximately three months.
For this assignment, you will write a 2,500-word paper (minimum) that presents a customized learning theory for Keven. The paper should include principles of the developmental learning theories (i.e., Piaget, Kohlberg, Vygotsky, Erickson, Bandura, etc.) studied in this course, as they relate to Keven’s unique educational needs. The paper must include an introduction, conclusion, and the following components:
1) Description of an effective teacher for Keven, including
a. Character development
b. Engaging with students who have diverse learning needs
c. Building self-efficacy
d. Developing relationships
2) Description of an effective learning environment for Keven, including
a. Direct instruction
b. Technology
c. Motivation
d. Behavior management
3) Biblical basis for your learning theory, including
a. Specific scriptures referenced by chapter and verse
The paper must include citations from at least 4 scholarly sources, in addition to both course textbooks (Slavin and Gutek). All sources must be published within the past 5 years.
Your Final Paper must follow the current APA format.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Learning Theories
Course Code and Title
Keven is in the sixth grade and seems to have behavioral problems. He lives with his father and two younger siblings, while his mother is far away on a military assignment. Keven appears to be a sharp student, passing in almost all of his subjects. The exceptional is maths, which he failed in the previous grade. In the classroom, Keven appears unmotivated and careless and needs to be included in classroom tasks and activities. He refuses to participate in an incentive program designed by his teacher to help him pass maths and participate more in class. Keven has hobbies that he does after school. These include computer games, Karate, and skateboarding. The maths teacher is concerned that Keven may not pass the state-based standard maths test due in the next few months. The paper will present a customized learning theory for Keven’s case. Perspectives from developmental learning theories such as Piaget’s, Vygotsky, and Bandura’s will be used to articulate the customized theory of effective teaching strategies and an effective environment for learning that Keven needs.
An Effective Teacher for Keven
Keven needs a teacher who would be able to help him regain motivation and focus in his education. An effective teacher should contribute to his character development. The teacher can contribute to Keven’s character development by engaging him in creative tasks and enabling a strong classroom presence. The teacher should ensure that they not just lecture or teach theoretical concepts but also engage and actively participate in the lesson. An engaging teacher demonstrates in words and action, allows students to participate actively, commends every student for every achievement, and rewards students for their participation. According to Piaget’s theory, a student’s ability to reason, learn concepts, and solve problems develops from cognitive abilities that grow over time following exposure and interaction with the environment (Slavin & Schunk, 2021). Keven needs to interact with his class environment more and be more active and engaged. According to McLeod (2018), Piaget’s theory describes learning as a process through which students adapt to environmental stimuli through assimilation, accommodation, and equilibration. In assimilation, students apply what they have observed and experienced to their understanding (Gutek, 2014). Therefore, students should actively engage in learning activities within and outside the classroom. In Keven’s case, an engaging learning activity will allow him to directly observe and gain experience that he will apply to understand math concepts better.
An effective teacher should engage with students who have diverse learning needs. Teachers can do this effectively by showing empathy to these students and a commitment and dedication to helping them stay in line with their learning needs. In Keven’s case, the teacher should be willing to understand and incorporate Keven in any of her special or remedial classes before the due date for the math test catches up. The teacher should treat all students, including Keven as an individual and take a step to ...
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