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Self Identity Education Coursework Research Paper Essay

Coursework Instructions:

Step #1: View the YouTube video titled: "Rouge test (self-recognition test)"
Step #2: View the YouTube video titled: "Building Self-esteem in Children"
Step #3: Next, read Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of "Young Children's Personal, Social and Emotional Development by Marion Dowling.
Step #4: Now, please address the following questions.
Question 1: Describe the Rouge test and the psychology behind the test.
Question 2: Why is self-identity important?
Question 3: How does this connect with self-esteem?
Question 4: After viewing the second video of "Building Self-esteem in Children", discuss the implications of developing a positive self-esteem.
Question 5: What kinds of responses to the child hinders/helps the child’s development of self-esteem/self-knowledge?
Step #5: Now based on the YouTube videos and the chapter 1 and Chapter 2 readings please come up with two questions of your own that you want your classmates to answer and please typed after your answer to question #5.
Coursework Assignment Guidelines:
* Must be in Times New Roman Font Size 12 with 1 inch margins all around.
* Must be at least 275 words in total.
* Must be in APA format
* Must have at least 1 APA reference (You can use your book of "Young Children's Personal, Social and Emotional Development" by Marion Dowling as your reference just make sure you properly cited in APA).
Notes to the Essay Zoo Writer:
* Included screenshot images files of Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of "Young Children's Personal, Social and Emotional Development by Marion Dowling. Since I could only upload 20 images files the remaining 4 pages are located in the DropMEFiles link: https://dropmefiles(dot)com/jBdH9
* The textbook that we are using is Dowling,M.(2014).Young Children's personal, social and emotional development (4th edition). LosAngeles :Sage Publishing. ISBN: 978-1446285893.
Thank you for your time

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

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Self-identity is significant in improving the strengths of a child’s character that can be achieved by understanding the weaknesses and working to them. While confidence is vital in self-identity, it is an ingredient in the identification of an individual’s strengths and ways of interacting with others (Dowling, 2014). Also, self-identity allows an individual to cope with others and to distinguish an individual’s unique qualities. In any case, self-identity is the root cause of self-esteem, and it boosts the confidence of an individual.
The Rogue test, also known as a mirror test, is a behavioral procedure that was developed by Gordon Gallup in 1970, intending to discover the ability of visual self-recognition. This means that the test was conducted by mothers to determine whether or not a child had the ability to recognize their image in the mirror, and it marked a development stage measure (Stienissen, 2011). In most cases, the rogue test is undertaken to create self-awareness, and it is done at the age of 2 years.
The rogue test connects to self-identity as it gives a parent the platform to measure a child’s self-awareness, and whether or not they are keen on...
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