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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Effectiveness Of Individualized And Routine Discharge Plans

Coursework Instructions:

Complete course worksheet using PICOT question below and using sources provided.
In patients with chronic diseases (P), does individualized discharge plans (I) compared to routine discharge plans (C) decrease hospital re admissions within 6 months of discharge (T)?
Gonçalves-Bradley, D. C., Lannin, N. A., Clemson, L. M., Cameron, I.D., & Shepperd, S. (2016). Discharge planning from hospital. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 1.
Chamberlain Library Permalink:
McMartin, K. (2013). Discharge Planning in Chronic Conditions: An Evidence-Based
Analysis. Ontario Health Technology Assessment Series, 13(4), 1–72.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Capstone Project Milestone 1: Practice Issue and Evidence Summary Worksheets For Use May 2018 Student Name: Date: Directions Refer to the guidelines for specific details on how to complete this assignment. Type your answers directly into the worksheets below. Submit to the Dropbox by the end of Week 3, Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT. Post questions about this assignment to the Q & A Forum. You may also email questions to the instructor for a private response. Practice Issue Worksheet List the topic and include the citation for the systematic review you have selected from our approved list (optional: an additional scholarly source of support): The topic for the systematic review selected from the approved list is “comparison of the effectiveness of individualized and routine discharge plans in Chronic conditions (McMartin, 2013). Reference McMartin, K (2013). Discharge Planning in Chronic Conditions: An Evidence-Based Analysis. Ontario Health Technology Assessment Series, 13(4), 1–72. /pmc/articles/PMC3804053/What is the nursing practice issue you have identified related to the topic you have chosen? The nursing issue practice identified above is related to the topic chosen because it focuses on the patients outcome of the patients discharged who suffer from chronic illnesses. The decision made by the nurses about discharging chronically ill patient is complex and the outcomes influence the aspects of nursing practice. Fully describe the scope of the practice issue: The scope of the practice issue is to help the nurses to screen individual chronic ill patients in order to determine the discharge plan that is more effective. The patient discharge planning determines the potential for the patient to experience adverse post-hospital outcomes increases. What is the practice area? The practice area is Clinical ___ Education ___ Administration ___ Other (List): How was the practice issue identified? (check all that apply) _Yes__ Safety/risk management concerns __Yes_ Unsatisfactory patient outcomes ___ Wide variations in practice ___ Significant financial concerns  ___ Difference between hospital and community practice __ Yes_ Clinical practice issue is a concern __ Yes_ Procedure or process is a time waster ___ Clinical practice issue has no scientific base __ Other:Describe the rationale for your checked selections: The practice issue identified focused on the improvement of the discharge plan for chronically ill patients. Therefore, the patient outcomes are the main determining factor and they are based on clinical concerns of the patent as well as satisfaction of the patient. The above issues were identified as the main determinants of the discharge plan appropriate for a patient. What evidence must be gathered? (check all that apply)_Yes__ Literature search __Yes_ Guidelines __Yes_ Expert Opinion __Yes_ Patient Preferences___ Clinical Expertise __Yes_ Financial Analysis ___ Standards (Regulatory, professional, community) ___ Other Describe the rationale for your checked selections: The evidence gathered includes the research findings from past studies and guidelines through which nurses can make an effective discharge plan for the patients. The patients’ preferences as well as the expert opinions are also very cru...
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