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Ultimate Supply Chain For Hooker Furniture Management Coursework

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Review the ultimate (extended) supply chain for Hooker Furniture

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Review the ultimate (extended) supply chain for Hooker Furniture
Date Introduction 
The series of activities or processes, developed efficiently result in the optimal product or service, which are delivered to the customers at the required place and time.   When there is proper management of the supply chain and logistic processes as well as utilization of effective logistical practices and technological support this helps meet the supply chain goals (Prajogo, Oke & Olhager, 2016).  Structuring the supply chain and logistics process begins sourcing the raw materials from the suppliers to delivery and purchase by the customers.  Hooker’s management has focused on improving the supply chain and logistic process, but still need to improve efficiency.
Hooker’s extended supply chain
Hooker has imported products for the last three decades including finished furniture, product lines and materials. The firm has collaborated with importing firms to import high quality material while utilizing reliable global logistics and distribution systems to ensure timely delivery. Hooker imported upholstered furniture, wood and metal, imports directly from China and Vietnam and especially imported furniture, while leather is mainly imported from Italy, South America and China.
Issues and challenges that might disrupt the supply chain process
Vietnam and China are some of the biggest suppliers accounting for more than half of the import purchases, and the risk of disruption in supply will likely impact the company’s operations. In the past the company imported from diverse countries (Hooker, 2018). At a time when there is a risk of trade wars and spats between the U.S. and China if there is a risk of supply disruptions, this results increases in the cost of import purchases from China.
Hooker seeks to acquire Shenandoah based in North Carolina-based to focus on the upholstery market and especially for the customized upholstery. Furthermore, Hookers manufactures “domestic premium residential custom leather and custom fabric-upholstered furniture (Hooker, 2018).  Similarly, in the manufacture of the domestic upholstered furniture, various materials and component as are required from the metal mechanisms, to the leather, fabric, foam and wooden frame and leather is mainly imported (Hooker, 2018).  Since raw material sourcing affect the whole supply chain ensuring that this is robust is critical to the efficiency of the supply chain system. 
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The Bullwhip effect results from the imbalances in real demand of consumers and the intermediate actors in the supply chain, where the projected demand differs along the supply chain. Additiona...
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