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A Matter of Taste

Coursework Instructions:

Program: Culinary management
course: trends in industry
Topic: Food Delicious Science
Criteria: Use Report format(no point format)
Humans are the only animals known to manipulate food in ways like cooking and using science to change food products to suit our needs.
Create a report that contains the following points from the video/film(please see the PPT-Page 5-video named “A matter of taste” ).
Must and must Write in your own words. Plagiarized content will result in a mark of 0% and will be reported as Academic Misconduct.
1. What are the five taste categories?
2. How many taste buds are there on the tongue?
3. What is the purpose of taste?
4. What is the Umami taste and why is it important to understand the affect it has on the brain?
5. In what ways do we humans increase the Umami taste in our foods?
6. What is the purpose of being able to taste bitterness in foods?
7. How does a simple strawberry manipulate us, and other animals to successfully spread its seeds on its behalf?
8. What is backward smelling?
9. Give two examples of how we (people) have manipulated foods to suit our needs as shown in the documentary Food Delicious Science. Fully describe the change and explain the motivation behind it.
10. Why is it important for you, the Culinary Graduate, to understand the science of food, tasting, and the affect that food has on the brain? How can you use this information in your craft?
Use paper report style(not point format) total 3 pages:
No need for the first cover page.
need 2 pages report
The 3rd page is a reference page
Please read the ppt(attachment file) first, and then watch the video (the link is on the last page of the slides of ppt) carefully and take notes, then write the report according to the questions on the criteria paper. Besides, you could check the "transcript" area beside the video at the same time.
Appreciated..this report is very important to me...

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

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The five taste categories, sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami, play a crucial role in the sensory experience of eating and can impact our enjoyment of food. While the purpose of taste is to help us detect and identify different flavors in our food, it can also be manipulated to suit our needs, such as through the fortification and fermentation processes. Accordingly, the author of this article believes that understanding the science of taste and food's effect on the brain is crucial for culinary professionals to create more delicious and memorable dishes that cater to different preferences. This essay explores the importance of taste buds, the purpose of taste, and the role of umami in our perception of flavor, as well as the impact of bitterness, the manipulation of food, and the significance of tasting in the culinary industry.
Five Taste Categories
The five taste categories are sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami. Sweet is a taste often described as pleasing and is associated with sugary foods like candy and fruit. A tart, acidic flavor characterizes sourness, usually found in foods like lemons and vinegar. Salty is associated with sodium and is often described as a pleasant, savory flavor. Bitter is often associated with unpleasant or medicinal flavors and can be found in foods like coffee and certain vegetables. Lastly, umami is savory, meaty, and associated with mushrooms, soy sauce, and aged cheeses (Beauchamp, 2019; Melis, M., & Tomassini Barbarossa, 2017).
Taste Buds, Purpose of Taste, and Umami
There is no exact number of taste buds on the tongue as it can vary from person to person, but on average, an adult human has between 2,000 and 8,000 taste buds on their tongue (Beauchamp, 2019).
The purpose of taste is to allow individuals to detect and identify different flavors in their food, which helps us determine whether the food is safe to consume. Taste is also an essential part of the overall sensory experience of eating and can impact the enjoyment of food (Beauchamp, 2019; Melis, M., & Tomassini Barbarossa, 2017). In all, taste is vital in the relationship between food and humans' ability to maintain a healthy diet.
Umami is the fifth basic taste category, which is a savory or meaty flavor. The presence of glutamate, an amino acid, in food causes it. Understanding the effect of umami on the brain is important because it plays a role in peoples’ overall perception of flavor and can impact their food choices and eating behavior (Beauchamp, 2019; Melis, M., & Tomassini Barbarossa, 2017).
Increasing Umami
Humans use various methods to increase the umami taste in our foods, making them more delicious and satisfying. They use ingredients naturally containing high levels of umami, such as soy sauce, fish sauce, mushrooms, tomatoes, and seaweed. They also employ cooking techniques such as slow roasting, braising, and grilling, enhancing the umami taste of foods (Beauchamp, 2019; Melis, M., & Tomassini Barbarossa, 2017; Mills et al., 2011). Thus, there are numerous methods by which humans can improve th...
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