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1 page/β‰ˆ275 words
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Management Information System

Coursework Instructions:

Hi i need to answer question number 3 of this article i am sending you... And add an example or any thing related to it with one source... But you need to answer question number 3 from the article i am sending you.. So just answer the question and add an example.. With a source..


Discussion Questions
1    What does this cose tell us about the relationship between information systems and strategic planning?
2    What other information do company executives need to have beyond the Npe or information provided by Gartner?
3    ho« could organizations apply the Gartner life cycle to their strategies?
4    What is the value of having Gartner review its past predictions?

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Management Information System
Course title:
Management Information System
The Gartner Life Cycle is crucial in organizational strategy making. It helps an organization to know when to take certain actions regarding adoption of technology. As outlined in the cycle, there are several phases and each phase is seen to last for a given period of time. During each phase, there are specific actions that an organization is supposed to undertake in order to successfully achieve its goals.
One of the fundamental importances of the cycle as outlined by Gartner in strategy management of organization is cushioning against challenges. Through this cycle, an organization can easily identify any barriers that may prevent achievement of goals (Terry, 2009). When a technological project is launched, there are a couple of stumbling blocks that are expected.
This cycle is also crucial in planning the future for organi...
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