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Visual & Performing Arts
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Art Question: Unique Strengths Of Lines

Coursework Instructions:

Question # 1 Vertical, horizontal, diagonal, and curving lines all have unique strengths. What can each type contribute to your design?
Question # 2 What can line continuity or discontinuity contribute to your composition?
Question # 3 What happens when you increase or decrease the number of lines?
Question # 4 Can intersecting lines strengthen your design structurally or compositionally?
Question # 5 Consider the limitations of the material you are using. Can it be cut or scored and folded to create curving planes?

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Art Question Author’s Name: Institution: Date: Art Question Question 1. Vertical lines are allied to think pillar kind of strength, elevation, balance, and stability. In design, viewing vertical lines are thought of as being unnatural compared to their horizontal counterpart. Besides, they are hypothesized to extend beyond the naked eye’s visual plane; thus, these lines are usually extended in design to create a feeling of height (Hatch Interior Design, Para. 4). Horizontal lines, on the other hand, have the strength of evoking the sense of emphasis, grounding, stability, and direction. Therefore, designers use them to direct their clients towards a given locus. Diagonal lines have the unique strength of evoking an impression of dynamic transformation, movement, and freedom. Hence, they are used in design to confer volume to space, guide the eye downwards or upwards, and incorporate life in space (Hatch Interior Design, Para. 5). Conversely, curving lines are used in design to help occupy large areas in the interior parts of a model as well as helping to make spaces to flow. Question 2. Line c...
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