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Health Care Essays

  • Assignment 2: Whitepaper on Food Security Due Week 7

    Description: They are now asking you to expand the whitepaper to include global food security as it relates to population growth and poverty. Read the overview and provide an assessment based on the questions below....
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 4 Sources | APA | Life Sciences | Essay |
  • Literary Analysis of Mary Shelleys Frankenstein

    Description: In Mary Shelleys Frankenstein, Victor remains the scientist who attempts to bring life to a dead body....
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 2 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • How Science is Explained. Health, Medicine, Nursing Research Paper

    Description: Science is perhaps one of the most, if not the most, exciting fields of study. It allows scholars, students, and laypeople alike to be able to study natural phenomena and occurrences systematically, thereby providing the foundation for progress....
    8 pages/≈2200 words | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Research Paper |
  • Forest Fires: Wildfires in the US

    Description: How can the Environmental Protection Agency classify wildfires as natural disasters when only a maximum of 15% of forest fires occur on their own? Human causes account for between 85 and 90 percent of all forest fires (Leone et al., 2009). Humans have only one earth, but they keep destroying it. It is ...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 6 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • School Bullying

    Description: In the United States, 83 percent of girls and 79 percent of boys reported being bullied. (Statistics and Laws. n.d.) Nowadays, so many students live under bullying pressure. Most of the school environments have become a great threat to the security of the kids. The data from JAMA network indicates...
    2 pages/≈550 words | APA | Literature & Language | Research Paper |
  • EDP404 pt.2. Stony Brook Station. Literature & Language Essay

    Description: Stony Brook LIRR train station is one of the stations that were established in the 1990s and has stood up to date. Changes and redesigning should be continuously done to keep stations moving with the changes and developments in society...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | Other | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Assignment Part A: Learning and Development Report

    Description: You have just been appointed as a Human Resources (HR) consultant, working with the clients HR team. You have been given the following projects to complete in the next year. ...
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 15 Sources | APA | Management | Coursework |
  • Yeezy Boost 350 vs Nike Airmax: Current Market Situation

    Description: The sneakers market is quite large and by 2013 it was worth more than $23 billion dollars with positive growth trend in the United States, ...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | 6 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Heathrow Terminal Case Study On Nature Of Problem And Solutions

    Description: This paper will explore the case of Heathrow Terminal 5 to explore the concept of teamwork in an organization. It will demonstrate how stress, well-being, job design, and teamwork often impair performance, thereby exacerbating challenges that impede organizational goals, mission, and core purpose...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | Harvard | Management | Essay |
  • Racism and the labor market in Australia

    Description: The discourse on the Australian labour market is intricate and fluid. Labour market is influenced by the interplay of critical factors, including systemic racism, further entrenched by market liberation and decentralization, ...
    11 pages/≈3025 words | Harvard | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Yelp's Strategy, Current Performance, and Competitive Landscape

    Description: Yelp Inc., founded in 2004 by Jeremy Stoppelman and Russel Simmons, has emerged as a global digital giant, boasting over 200 million reviews by 2023. While Yelp is the go-to platform for local business insights, it grapples with issues like fake reviews, competitive pressure from tech giants like Google and...
    7 pages/≈1925 words | 3 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Research Paper |
  • How changing spending in Education would help to decrease income inequality?

    Description: In the past 20 years, China has experienced tremendous economic growth which was spearheaded by industrialization. During this period, the country managed to lift millions of people out of poverty. ...
    16 pages/≈4400 words | 3 Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Term Paper |
  • Norton Anthology of Short Fiction and Woody Allen's The Insanity Defense

    Description: High School Coursework: Norton Anthology of Short Fiction and Woody Allen's The Insanity Defense...
    13 pages/≈3575 words | 1 Source | APA | Literature & Language | Coursework |
  • Impact of COVID-19 on Human Resource Crisis in the Manufacturing Industry

    Description: This report aims to examine the impacts of COVID-19 on the human relation crisis emerging in the UK’s manufacturing sector. The report analyzed the manufacturing industry statistically and pinned essential information to identify improvement and process gaps. The analysis conducted a thorough literature ...
    9 pages/≈2475 words | 10 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Sustainability and Diversity & Inclusion Review Project. FedEx

    Description: FedEx Corporation is a multinational company specialized in delivery services across the world. Headquarter of this company is in Memphis, Tennessee in America. The name FedEx comes from the word federal express....
    3 pages/≈825 words | APA | Business & Marketing | Research Paper |
  • Medicine Application: Disorders of the Veins and Arteries

    Description: Identify the pathophysiology of chronic venous insufficiency and deep venous thrombosis. Consider the similarities and differences between these disorders....
    3 pages/≈825 words | 5 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Life of Pi and Orientalism

    Description: In the entire 20th and 21st centuries, Hollywood has been the world’s leading producer of commercial films (Scott, 2002). United States films constitute more than a half or even two-thirds of all box-office grosses in the major markets....
    16 pages/≈4400 words | 18 Sources | APA | Communications & Media | Essay |
  • Strategic Plan To Manage A Supply Chain In Nigeria

    Description: To support your justifications for your strategic plan, you need to use relevant concepts, theories as well as data and information of the business environment which your supply chain will operate in....
    10 pages/≈2750 words | 20 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • How can I reduce impulsive behavior in children during circle time in a Montessori classroom

    Description: Master's level Research Proposal: How can I reduce impulsive behavior in children during circle time in a Montessori classroom...
    20 pages/≈5500 words | 15 Sources | APA | Education | Research Proposal |
  • Lessons for Young and Elderly in Stone Mattress by Margaret Atwood

    Description: "Stone Mattress" presents an interesting story that has significant lessons for the young and the elderly. The choice of characters and the approach to telling the story make it a versatile piece. First, Margaret Atwood refers to the pieces in "stone Mattress" as tales instead of stories. This means that ...
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Book Review |
  • Chinese Food Culture and the Sustainable Food System

    Description: Food holds meaning beyond nourishment. It intertwines with our heritage, social interactions, and ecological connections, shaping our lives and our world. Amidst the tapestry of traditions and practices, Chinese food culture emerges as a vivid and diverse expression, interwoven with history, philosophy, and...
    13 pages/≈3575 words | 10 Sources | APA | Education | Essay |
  • Malicious Network Activity, Overview of the Network Structure

    Description: A representative from the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center, FS-ISAC, met with your boss, the chief net defense liaison to the financial services sector, about recent reports of intrusions into the networks of banks and their consortium...
    7 pages/≈1925 words | 6 Sources | APA | IT & Computer Science | Research Paper |
  • Would It Be Right to Use Baby Organs for Somebody Else?

    Description: Neonatal organ donation can be perceived as the only good thing that is likely to come from a tragedy that comes with the loss of a newborn child. ...
    2 pages/≈550 words | Chicago | Mathematics & Economics | Reaction Paper |
  • FEMA SWOT Analysis

    Description: Following the merger of various disaster response boards, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was formed as a formal government body in 1979....
    3 pages/≈825 words | APA | Management | Coursework |
  • Analysis Of A Non-standard Variety Of American English

    Description: American English can be categorized according to the variations, especially while considering the non-standard variety of the linguistic. The variation occurs due to a different classification of the American population, which can be based on gender, age, ethnicity, literacy level, religion among other...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | 12 Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI): Brief History and Test Description

    Description: Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) is an assessment tool used by psychologists to determine the examine psychopathological disorder, providing information for clinical diagnosis, psychopathology, and treatment planning. The test has 22 scales that are not overlapping, and promotes discriminant validity....
    8 pages/≈2200 words | APA | Social Sciences | Other (Not Listed) |
  • Essay One: Independent News vs. Corporate News. Essay

    Description: The primary role of media houses and outlets worldwide is to sensitize the public on various issues and concerns in society. As such, media personalities are mandated and obligated to be impartial and unbiased in their reporting and to ensure that they highlight issues with utmost accuracy and truthfulness....
    4 pages/≈1100 words | No Sources | MLA | Communications & Media | Essay |
  • Instances Of Spying In Hamlet. Literature Research Paper

    Description: Hamlet is a character in a play, “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” by William Shakespeare often shortened as “Hamlet.” Hamlet is the Prince of Denmark, the son of King Hamlet who died in what looked like an accident. Hamlet’s uncle, Claudius hurriedly married his mother...
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 3 Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Research Paper |
  • Significance of and Counterarguments Against LQBTQ Education Inclusion

    Description: In modern education settings, the debate around LGBTQ education inclusion in learning institutions has become a contentious and fundamental concern. Most studies and reports imply that LGBTQ-related topics' inclusion into educational curricula enhances diversity and serves as a crucial approach to promoting...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 2 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Marks and Spencer’s Potential Entry to Kenyan Market

    Description: Marks and Spencer, a British multinational retailer, is considering entering the Kenyan market to expand its global reach. With over 130 years of experience in the retail industry, Marks and Spencer is well-known for its high-quality products and commitment to sustainability (Marks and Spencer, 2022). Kenya...
    14 pages/≈3850 words | 20 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • The Efficacy of the Countries Response to Social and Political Change

    Description: The 19th century marked a period of great transition to modernize economic and political frameworks among major powers. Three nations stand out for adopting strategic interventions to enhance economic growth and development. These include the People's Republic of China, Russia, and Japan....
    2 pages/≈550 words | No Sources | APA | History | Essay |
  • The Impact of Cyber Security Policy on Insurance Industries in the European Union

    Description: A cyber security policy is a document that outlines the overall methodology, expectations, and rules that an organization uses to prevent and tackle cyber attacks. Cyber-attacks are common in most industries that embrace technology (Carrapico & Farrand, 2020). European Union has set measures to prevent ...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | 15 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • Westjet Strategic Analysis

    Description: Undergraduate writing level 13 pages Business and Marketing Format Style English (U.S.) Research Paper. Westjet Strategic Analysis...
    13 pages/≈3575 words | 15 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Research Paper |
  • Reducing Crime by Introducing Employment

    Description: Many headlines today have reported a surge in crime rates in recent years. Most of these crime cases can be attributed to the high unemployment rates in low-income neighborhoods of the United States (U.S.). Various work-crime relationship theories associate criminal behavior with unemployment and abject poverty...
    8 pages/≈2200 words | 9 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Using TAF: Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive

    Description: Discuss developmental considerations in crisis assessment and intervention. Exhibit proficiency in effective, credible academic writing, and critical skills...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 4 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Coursework |
  • Developing, Using, and Organizing Resources in Human Resource Management

    Description: The department in a business responsible for employing and coaching new employees is referred to as Human Resource. It is important to note that the Human Resource department in an organization plays a very vital role. Besides, the department also helps in ensuring that there is equitable remuneration for ...
    18 pages/≈4950 words | Harvard | Education | Essay |
  • SWOT Analysis of the Flip Factory Inc.

    Description: Flip Factory Inc. is a company that specializes in fitness and gymnastics by focusing more on non-competitive, recreational gymnastics. Since it was founded, the company has experienced considerable growth in terms of its clientele as well as human resources. The founder, Darlene Traviss...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | APA | Business & Marketing | Case Study |
  • Utilitarianism Vs Ethical Egoism

    Description: Hi You have a very solid first draft here. In your rewrite, I would encourage you to think about how to sharpen the argument to better meet the needs of the prompt. The prompt asks you to offer a thesis that either objects to (or defends) one of the two views on offer (egoism or utilitarianism)....
    7 pages/≈1925 words | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Euthanasia, Demagoguery and Propaganda, and the Culture of Violence and Cultural Violence

    Description: Over the years, euthanasia has been one of the most common topics since it has attracted huge support and opposition. Different groups have been giving the reasoning behind the side they are picking. Similarly, I believe that in some instances, it is right to terminate the life of a terminally ill patient...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 1 Source | APA | Religion & Theology | Essay |
  • Resources a Source of Competitive Advantage

    Description: The company's resources include its assets, its organizational process, information, knowledge, its attributes, and capabilities. Resources are the key nerve for the operation of a company. Without resources, a company will not be in existence. The interconnection of resources and capabilities are the key...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | APA | Management | Essay |
  • Air Force Doctrine Publication 1

    Description: Our Nation needs an Air Force that can fly, fight, and win as part of the joint team. Commanders must articulate intent and prepare to take the initiative in dynamic, contested environments. Doctrine offers an agreed upon, operationally relevant body of best practices and principles that articulates how we...
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | Other | Social Sciences | Coursework |
  • Human Rights and Racial Inequality

    Description: Human Rights and Racial Inequality. A Close View of Racial Inequality in Canada Employment Research Paper...
    13 pages/≈3575 words | 5 Sources | MLA | Education | Research Paper |
  • Research Critique: the Effect of Fast Food Restaurants on Obesity by Currie et al (2009) - R. . .

    Description: Research Critique: the Effect of Fast Food Restaurants on Obesity by Currie et al (2009) - Research Critique, Part 2...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 4 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • What Life Long Benefit Does Studying Abroad Bring To You?

    Description: Studying abroad is one of the most life-changing experiences one can ever have. The boost to one's education and career from such an experience is overwhelmingly great....
    7 pages/≈1925 words | 7 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Do you agree with Thackeray that in Oliver Twist Dickens romanticizes crime by encouraging t. . .

    Description: Literature and Language Essay: Do you agree with Thackeray that in Oliver Twist Dickens romanticizes crime by encouraging too much sympathy for the criminal characters?...
    9 pages/≈2475 words | 8 Sources | Oxford | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Final Draft Medicine Essay

    Description: Studies related to hypertension have emphasized the prevalent nature of the illness while ignoring the control mechanisms. To address this problem, Gebrihet et al. (2017) conducted a research project whose purpose was to assess the treatment and control of hypertension among adults living...
    7 pages/≈1925 words | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Animal Testing Should Be Banned

    Description: Animal testing is the experimenting on animals to determine whether medical treatments and drugs are effective for humans. Scientists are also able to identify if the tested procedures are safe for use on humans. ...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Organization Metaphor Management Case Study Research

    Description: Organizational culture is an important aspect of Huawei. Out of the 91 Chinese companies listed on the Fortune Global 500 list, Huawei is the only Chinese organization that earns more revenues abroad than in China (Cremer & Tao, 2015). Its overseas markets are much greater than that of its home country....
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 7 Sources | APA | Management | Case Study |
  • Influence of Employment Regulations and Laws on McDonald's HR Management Functions and Deci. . .

    Description: What are the major employment law issues the company faces, How the company understands the legal environment that impacts HR functions?...
    8 pages/≈2200 words | 8 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Extraterrestrial Protagonist

    Description: Perhaps the most bizarre aspect of the above introduction is the huge sizes of the extraterrestrial protagonist and his friend. By referring to the huge size of Sirians and Saturanians Voltaire is mocking one of the individuals we discussed in this ...
    7 pages/≈1925 words | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Early Years: Mathematical Understandings

    Description: Mathematical Understandings. Importance of mathematics as an essential component of foundational development Education Essay...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 16 Sources | APA | Education | Essay |
  • Responsible and Ethical Business Practice: An Analysis of BP PLC

    Description: Man has wrestled with questions of right and wrong for millennia to discover the best ways to deal with moral dilemmas. Despite this, humanity have only recently started applying ethics in business. Businesses primarily cared about profit making at the expense of ethical, environmental, and social ...
    9 pages/≈2475 words | 30 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Digital Marketing and the 7Ps Marketing Model

    Description: For the past one decade, marketing sector has undergone a tremendous transformation, largely because of the emergence of new technologies and how people perceive products. First, the marketing tools that were in use ten years ago are no longer preferred nowadays. For instance, most companies in the 2000s...
    13 pages/≈3575 words | 25 Sources | Harvard | Business & Marketing | Coursework |
  • Ocean Pollution: Proposed System for Remediation and Conservation

    Description: Oceans covers more than 70% of earth and it is most valuable natural resource which is also habitat to hundreds of thousands of species with some yet to be discovered. It is a finite resource which has supported the livelihood of millions of people around the world. We directly or indirectly depend on ocean...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | 10 Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Options for combating multi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

    Description: Master's level Essay: Options for combating multi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus...
    19 pages/≈5225 words | 70 Sources | Harvard | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Climate Change – Efficient Policy Measures

    Description: Is it economically efficient for Canada to follow through on its pricing regime at the same time as other countries continue to subsidize the consumption of fossil fuels? Granting that Canada's carbon pricing regime will be less effective in reducing global greenhouse gas emissions if other countries...
    12 pages/≈3300 words | No Sources | Other | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Response to “Why Punish Pain?” by Gabor Maté

    Description: Response to “Why Punish Pain?” by Gabor Maté Summary Creative Writing Essay...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 2 Sources | MLA | Creative Writing | Essay |
  • Privacy issues in public social media Research Paper

    Description: There are various key global media ethical issues that are affecting young people in the society today. In regard, social media has resulted in both positive and negative impacts. One of the most common ethical concerns which have resulted from increased use of social media is increased teenage...
    3 pages/≈825 words | APA | Communications & Media | Research Paper |
  • Brand Analysis of Breyers Business & Marketing Research Paper

    Description: The marketing strategy of the Breyers brand is targeted towards the customers’ demands. The organization’s management has formulated a holistic plan. The company has been working on introducing new products for acquiring new audiences. The marketing team has developed a buyer...
    8 pages/≈2200 words | APA | Business & Marketing | Research Paper |
  • Managing Across Culture International Marketing Tactics of Barbour Company

    Description: Globalization has had a profound impact on the international market, transforming the way that businesses operate and compete in the global arena. To effectively navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by globalization, companies must conduct a thorough environmental analysis that considers both...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | 13 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Coursework |
  • BUS599 MOD01 Case: Whole Food Market Strategic Analysis

    Description: Optimize your research time: Get an overview of the Case Assignments so you know what information you will be looking for when you do research...
    7 pages/≈1925 words | 6 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Case Study |
  • COIT20274: Information Systems for Business Professionals

    Description: In a fast-paced global business environment, it is critical that businesses are able to adapt constantly to the needs of the market...
    9 pages/≈2475 words | 15 Sources | Harvard | Business & Marketing | Case Study |
  • Global Political Media Influenced Culture

    Description: Social Sciences Research Paper: Global Political Media Influenced Culture...
    11 pages/≈3025 words | 80 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • Case study (Nestle)

    Description: For any company to succeed, it must understand its operating environment. Firms that are blind to internal and external factors do not last for an extended period since they are vulnerable to challenges that might arise....
    3 pages/≈825 words | Other | Business & Marketing | Case Study |
  • Literature Review: Business Management

    Description: Management must motivate their workforce to promote higher performance in the organization. It becomes even more challenging when the organization depends on highly interdependent teams to deliver its products and services. ...
    14 pages/≈3850 words | APA | Management | Essay |
  • Issues in Canadian Policing. Community Policing and its Factors

    Description: Changes in the social demand that there should be adjustments in every aspect. Particular about such changes are the dynamic demographic factors such as immigration and increasing diversity. ...
    13 pages/≈3575 words | APA | Law | Essay |
  • Multinational Corporations (MNC) are not Responsible to Stakeholders for Human Rights Infrin. . .

    Description: The development and growth of the global economy have made it possible to drive and promote socio-economic development in different parts of the world....
    7 pages/≈1925 words | Harvard | Management | Essay |
  • Strategic Responsiveness in Conflict Situations Among Nurses

    Description: The current paper narrates and analyzes a conflict between two nurses, an intern student (James) and a newly graduated nurse. The cause of the conflict is an encounter that occurred on one of the busy days at the clinic. James wanted help from a registered nurse in responding to a customer's inquiry, but...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Reaction Paper |
  • Business Planning Business & Marketing Coursework Paper

    Description: Dees Food Centre mainly stocks Afro Caribbean Groceries and gourmet, and a new grocery will be opened in Mountfield Way, Orpington, Kent to sell similar products offering the best value and quality of foods and groceries at affordable prices. The one-stop shop Afro Caribbean store will serve the growing...
    15 pages/≈4125 words | 40 Sources | Harvard | Business & Marketing | Coursework |
  • Influence of Attitudes on Consumer Behaviour. Business & Marketing

    Description: Consumption is a fundamental and intimate component of human daily existence – irrespective if an individual has a lot of money to spend or very little....
    4 pages/≈1100 words | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Impact of Neoliberalism on Indigenous Women in Canada

    Description: Research Question Neoliberalism has damaged Indigenous women in Canada by escalating social, economic, and political inequality and undermining their rights and well-being. Supporting Arguments Neoliberal policies prioritize economic expansion and resource extraction, disproportionately harming Indigenous...
    14 pages/≈3850 words | 7 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • The face averaging experiment. Psychology Lab Report

    Description: This study focuses on individual identification by use of facial averaging. The introduction provides the various radical differences that exist across the features used to characterize faces....
    7 pages/≈1925 words | APA | Psychology | Lab Report |
  • Treatment of Women In Politics

    Description: Treatment of Women In Politics. How do the media treat women in politics Research Paper...
    18 pages/≈4950 words | 10 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • Integrative Learning Project Management Research Paper

    Description: Businesses, just like human beings, require genuine and sincere effort in order for it to withstand temporary challenges and setbacks, as well as improve its profitability in the long-run. However, improvements cannot only exist in terms of profitability or efficiency, but also in terms of service. ...
    17 pages/≈4675 words | APA | Management | Other (Not Listed) |
  • Teachers Lesson Plan for Elementary Physical Education

    Description: TEXAS ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS: Physically literate students can develop lifetime awareness, and physical education is designed to develop motor skills, knowledge, and behaviors. Students will engage in activities that develop basic levels of strength, endurance, and flexibility. The students will ...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 10 Sources | APA | Education | Coursework |
  • Gender Effect on the Level of Preference for Companion Animals Essay

    Description: Gender affects the levels of preference for companion animals. In this study, a survey was conducted to establish the levels if preference between men and women. 37 women and 7 men took part in the research. The studies reviewed also showed that gender is a significant determinant of animal preference...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | APA | Psychology | Research Paper |
  • Corporate Social Responsibility

    Description: Corporate Social Responsibility refers to business obligations in fulfilling the responsibilities of the stakeholders, hence maximizing its positive impacts...
    7 pages/≈1925 words | 2 Sources | MLA | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • International Human Resource Strategy: Comparative Analysis

    Description: Founded in 1962, Walmart has its headquarters in the US and is one of the largest global retail chains. The Company deals in a wide range of products, including grocery, apparel, electronics, and accessories. Since its inception, the Company’s focus has been to target cost-sensitive customers with its ...
    9 pages/≈2475 words | 9 Sources | APA | Management | Coursework |
  • Rachel Carson's Silent Spring Education Essay

    Description: According to the documentary, pesticides are chemicals that are used to control pests, particularly in large scale agriculture. Pesticides are essential because they control dangerous pests and can enhance agricultural productivity. During the Second World War, pesticides DDT was used to stop the spread...
    1 page/≈275 words | Other | Education | Essay |
  • The Short Screenplay Book Report

    Description: In the practitioner based book on short film, there is focus on the production process of screenplay and the screening of short films. There is a growing audience for short films as there are various avenues that the audience watches the films such as cable networks, home videos, film festivals...
    3 pages/≈825 words | APA | Visual & Performing Arts | Book Report |
  • Deploying a new Business Information Technology Coursework

    Description: Business information technology plays a significant role in improving organizational services and operations. It is used to upgrade organizational operations. Building a good relationship between organizational leaders and employees develops a working culture that boosts performances....
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 3 Sources | Harvard | Business & Marketing | Coursework |
  • Woman Human Rights: The Need for Illegalization of Abortion

    Description: Abortion, according to Banerjee (2020), entails the process adopted in termination of a pregnancy. The fetus is prevented from developing into a baby as a result of this act of abortion. According to Banerjee (2020), one in every four pregnancies worldwide gets aborted. Despite the fact that abortion is ...
    8 pages/≈2200 words | 7 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Business Ethics

    Description: Master writing level 3 pages Social Sciences Format Style English (U.S.) Essay. Business Ethics...
    3 pages/≈825 words | 1 Source | Other | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Threat from Government Intervention

    Description: Lorpel venture is facing threat from government intervention and the owners consider three options. The first option was to accept the government's intervention and become one of the city's major donors. The second option was to split the company and operate small firms in different regions. ...
    12 pages/≈3300 words | 10 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Cold War Origins

    Description: Undoubtedly, the cold war was one of the most significant developments of the 20th century. It began immediately after the Second World War and lasted nearly five decades, ending in 1989. The conflict developed from longstanding political and diplomatic disagreements between the United States and the Soviet ...
    15 pages/≈4125 words | 20 Sources | Other | History | Research Paper |
  • Harley-Davidson Essay

    Description: Undergraduate writing level 1 page Literature and Language Format Style English (U.S.) Essay. Harley-Davidson Essay...
    1 page/≈550 words | 2 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Compare and contrast the struggles of women and African-Americans to achieve their constitu. . .

    Description: Globally, inequality and discrimination are common features in society. Inequality and discrimination started in the ancient days and are still evident up today. ...
    5 pages/≈1375 words | MLA | History | Essay |
  • Activation, Conversion, and Retention Strategy

    Description: Omni-channel marketing communications will facilitate the effectiveness of the “Fiverr Growth” tree-planting environmental initiative. In particular, it has already been identified that some of the social networking platforms that will be used to market the initiative are Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. ...
    2 pages/≈550 words | Harvard | Business & Marketing | Other (Not Listed) |
  • The Role of Family, Community and the Media Play in Creating Body Image

    Description: The main terms include family, community, media and body image. Family, community and the media are the independent variables whereas body image is the dependent variable...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | 20 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Research Paper |
  • Privacy and Security for Libraries in the 21st Century

    Description: The purpose of a literature review is to analyze the published works by summarizing, classifying, and comparing the research, case studies, articles, books, or book chapters....
    8 pages/≈2200 words | 15 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Cultural Autobiography: Cultural Processes, Influences, and Events

    Description: As a male from Southeast Asia with an Asian heritage, I was raised in my family’s traditional ways. Growing up, my life was greatly impacted by various cultural customs and practices that have had long-lasting effects on me. This autobiographical account reflects these experiences and how they have shapedI ...
    8 pages/≈2200 words | No Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Posthumanism

    Description: Social Sciences Essay: Posthumanism...
    12 pages/≈3300 words | 20 Sources | Harvard | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Gender Inequalities in Sports Highlighted and Exacerbated by COVID 19

    Description: Women's sport has always been a contentious area of debate, interacting with many sociological theories, including social functionalism, naturalism, feminism, conflict, and symbolic approach. Even though women's participation in sports now has deep historical evidence, roots continue to be seen as masculine...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | 50 Sources | Harvard | Social Sciences | Coursework |
  • Using Animal Models to Understand Diseases of the Human Brain

    Description: Animal models form an essential part of neuroscience studies' efforts to improve diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of neurological diseases. The brain is a complex organ that controls all body functions. It is also responsible for communication, movement, perception, memory, emotions, and all activities...
    6 pages/≈1650 words | APA | Biological & Biomedical Sciences | Essay |
  • Nuclear Power Effect on the Environment

    Description: Generation of the nuclear power entails the intermediary phase between the front-end and the back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle...
    14 pages/≈3850 words | 12 Sources | APA | Life Sciences | Essay |
  • Option #1: Milestone 3/Final Portfolio Project Submission

    Description: The evolution of the internet has had a significant impact in the manner businesses operate and interact with clients and the general public outside their physical stores....
    13 pages/≈3575 words | 5 Sources | APA | Management | Essay |
  • Intellectual Property Questions

    Description: In any modern business organization, marketing is essential because it helps to connect the customers with the business. It involves the promotion and selling of products and services. Moorman & Rust (2016) argue that marketing should not be viewed as a function....
    8 pages/≈2200 words | MLA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Guangzhou Environmental History

    Description: Geography has always had a way of establishing connections and a relationship between humans and nature, so as to create the sense of responsibility bestowed upon people when it comes to their surroundings. The advent of the new century has brought with it a lot of changes, in every sphere. One particular ...
    10 pages/≈2750 words | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |

    Description: Literature and Language Essay: STRATEGIC ANALYSIS OF CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN...
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 20 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Solar Energy, Poverty and Psychopathology

    Description: Fight over Rooftop Solar Forecasts a Bright Future for Cleaner Energy, Relationships Between Poverty and Psychopathology...
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 4 Sources | MLA | Social Sciences | Annotated Bibliography |
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