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Business Report.China and the U.S.- сountries with distinct cultures.

Essay Instructions:

Business Report Prompt

Developing proposals or solutions to workplace issues is a vital career skill, but equally important is the ability to communicate those ideas to your colleagues. In class, you learned about the uses of informational reports and how to create them. For this assignment, please create an informational report on one of the following scenarios:

  1. Your supervisor is planning a trip to China to discuss a joint venture to get your company's product into the Chinese market. Provide your supervisor with information about cultural differences to be aware of such as greetings, business cards, and gift giving in business situations (also include information about the current political climate and any pertinent information regarding US/Chinese business relations).


  1. Your company has been hearing a lot about ergonomics and wants to create an ergonomically appropriate work environment. Research a variety of ergonomic strategies and create a proposal for implementing the most beneficial.



Your report should be 1,500 to 2,000-words long and follow APA format. It should include a title page, table of contents, an executive summary, an introduction paragraph that explains the issue, body paragraphs with supporting evidence for your report or proposal, a conclusion that summarizes your recommendations, and references.

Please provide at least two sources to support the claims and/or recommendations in your report, and submit a works cited page in APA format along with your report.


Before You Submit

When you are done writing your paper, we suggest taking some time to check for any errors or to add some final touches. We also suggest that you use online plagiarism checkers such as PlagScan or Solid SEO Tools to make sure that your essay is not too similar to any existing materials. Plagiarized submissions will receive a ZERO grade


How to Submit Your Paper

Submit the completed report to the dropbox on UB learns

Appendix A: Checklist of a business report The report fulfils its purpose The report is oriented to the intended reader/s The report contains all appropriate elements (executive summary, table of contents …) The report and discussion section has descriptive and appropriately formatted headings and subheadings throughout The headings have been transferred into a table of contents The discussion contains thorough analysis of findings as well as logical flow The report has been edited for section cohesiveness and good paragraph structure The report has been proofread for sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, and consistency Tables and figures are formatted correctly and labelled Tables, figures, and appendices are referred to within the text / discussion Quotations from other sources are cited Thoughts and ideas paraphrased from other sources are cited The reference list is formatted properly (APA format) The cover page has all necessary details and is appropriate for the audience Appendices are used to support the discussion, but tables / figures which are essential to the discussion are included within the text

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Report
Due Date
Business Report
Executive Summary
Every country in the world has its values, customs, traditions, and beliefs that shape every aspect of life, including the business environment. China and the U.S. are two countries with distinct cultures. People in the Chinese business environment behave differently compared to those in the U.S. These differences are as a result of the histories of both countries. Greetings, for example, are taken seriously in China. The belief is that a good relationship starts with the greeting, and hence the emphasis. The Chinese also prefer indirect communication as opposed to direct communication. Aggression is not considered a show of power (like in the U.S.), but loss of control. In the U.S., having lunch with a potential business partner can attract unwanted attention. In China, this will be seen as normal and a show of respect for the potential business partners.
The belief in building relationships means that the Chinese value building consensus. The repercussion of this is that decision-making is slow. In business, it is unheard of in the American business environment that gifts are part of the etiquette. However, this is the case in China. While still on etiquette, it is also crucial to practice some etiquette while giving out business cards. Everything has to follow some precepts, or else a business deal could be broken.
Every company looks to grow and take advantage of the vast markets available overseas. However, it is possible to miss out on these opportunities if one is not keen on the cultural differences between countries. These differences are deeply grounded in the culture of a country and are often aggressively preserved. China, for example, offers businesses opportunities for growth because of their large market. But, the country boasts a history of traditions and customs that date back thousands of years. These have also influenced how business is conducted in the country as well as how people speak and relate to each other. The U.S., on the other hand, is an amalgam of cultures, and this meant that the country had to define its business culture while looking to represent every race and ethnic group. So, unlike China, the U.S. does not have customs and traditions deeply ingrained in the business environment. In the US, the culture allows for informal gestures within the business sector and organizational structure is not strictly obeyed. While looking to expand to either nation, it is thus crucial to know what is expected and adjust accordingly.
The Chinese business environment is more formal compared to the U.S. business environment. While moving from a business environment like the U.S. to the Chinese, one has to wary of certain cultural differences that can influence the success of their endeavor. Some of these differences are as discussed in the subsequent section
Something as simple as a greeting can end a potential partnership in China. In the U.S., people say hello and often seem to use the phrase “How are you” as a cliché. People respond casually to this question and say they are fine or that they are doing well. No one expects you to start telling them ho...
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