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The Ethics Of Using Artificial Intelligence

Essay Instructions:

Write a 10 page APA paper about the ethics of using artificial intelligence.
Your paper may only use references from 2016 to 2018. The reference page doesn't add to your page count you need 10 pages of content.
For full credit you must use at least 10 resources and 10 in text citations in APA format.

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The Ethics of Using Artificial Intelligence
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The Ethics of Using Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an essential science that utilizes robust methods, approaches, and techniques in solving complex real-world based issues. Due to the rapid rise of the uses of AI systems, there have been several debates concerning its safety and ethics. The development of an environment that is highly AI-friendly for people and also a framework that is people-friendly for an AI can be a vital solution in seeking a shared construct for values for both AI technologies and humans (Pavaloiu, 2016). AI systems must operate as per the ethical and moral principles that humans also adhere to. This ensures that such technologies are accepted by all individuals and even the specific environment to which they are intended to be utilized.
This is critical not only in AIs but also other technologies that heavily depend on human-machine collaboration sine mishandling of their values prevents the proper appreciation of AI systems (Wallach, 2016). The paper will analyze the ethical issues of Artificial Intelligence systems and also highlight the moral dilemmas that arise from ethical uses of AIs mainly from preset or acquired values. It will also assess the concerns and potential recommendations that can be applied to solving the moral and ethical problems emerging from the use of AI systems.
Analysis of Artificial Intelligence systems
The future significantly depends on the roles of numerous enterprising fields that have shaped the lives of people. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is recognized as one of those fields that have made practical life profoundly autonomous primarily due to the rapid evolution and development in computer and electronics oriented technologies (Pavaloiu, 2016). There has been the introduction and application of numerous technologies that have made significant leaps in various industries and apart from the particular problems due to such advancements, these technologies have become a vital element in sustaining modern life. With such essential functions of these technologies, individuals now have better lives and have hopeful outlooks for the future.
AIs also include augmented intelligence which means that such systems are created to enhance and scale human skills and expertise rather than replacing them. In technology institutes such as IBM, developers have been concentrating on integrating practical capabilities into AI systems that assist the user in performing clearly defined operations through exploiting several AI-based services. In AI, cognitive computing refers to a particular set of capabilities that are based on technologies which are included in their algorithms. Cognitive computing comprises of machine learning, speech and vision recognition systems, distributed and high-performance computing devices and architectures and also reasoning and decision technologies (Russel, 2016). When all these elements are integrated into an AI system, these capabilities are designed in finding solutions to numerous practical problems, boosting productivity and also enhancement of discoveries across several industries.
Assessment of ethical concerns due to the use of ...
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