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Social Stratification

Essay Instructions:

Interview two different individuals regarding their positions in society. Analyze their responses regarding:
Identify each person’s class, race, and gender, supporting your work with the text and/or outside resources.
What role has class, race, and gender played in their lives? How do you see these stratifiers as playing a role, even if the interviewee is unaware of it?
Apply one of the sociological perspectives to the individuals’ lives. Why did you choose this particular perspective? How does it explain each person’s life and life choices?
What are some of the benefits and limitations to using interview as a research methodology?
Analyze each person’s specific components of culture and relate them to his/her stratified position in society.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Stratification
Social stratification is a system used by society to categorize its people in a hierarchy based on four principles (Kerbo, 2017). Social stratification is measured in terms of wealth, income, race, and gender. The four principles guiding stratification include social stratification is universal but variable. It is carried over from generation to generation. It is a trait of society and not a reflection of individual differences, and finally, it involves both inequality and beliefs (Kerbo, 2017). The difference in race, gender, income, and class determine an individual's position in society. According to Kendall (2015), race involves a group of individuals who have been categorized as either inferior or superior based on their physical appearances, such as skin color and other selected attributes. Ethnicity is a group of people distinguished by their cultural or nationality characteristics. The interview was of two individuals from a different race, gender, class, and ethnicity.
My first interviewee was Dr. James Williams, who is male in gender and is considered Mexican American race and his ethnic background are Mexican. Based on Dr. James's background, getting a good education was a struggle for him since he belonged to Mexico's lower class. Dr. James changed his life by becoming one of the top-ranking medical doctors in California. He was able to get access to education that helped him become a great medical doctor. He struggled to obtain an education while still maintaining his intergenerational Mobility, a popular caste system in Mexico. Families in Mexico perform the same religion, work, and marriage that tends to be passed down from generation to generation. Dr. James followed the career path of his grandfather and father, who were both doctors. He furthermore mentioned that his son is also pursuing his career path of becoming a medical doctor. Through hard work, Dr. James showed social Mobility by moving from one level of stratification to another.
In considering class categorization classification, Dr. James William is considered to be in the capitalist class. This classification is because he is one of the top-ranking medical doctors and further owning the best medical practice in California. Individuals categorized in the capitalist class are considered to possess a means of production. When considering stratification, Dr. James is classified as a member of the upper-middle class. According to Kendall, three significant components qualify an individual to be ranked in the upper-middle class(Kendall, 2015). The three components include having a university degree, the authority on the job, and high income due to Dr. James's gender, which is considered superior to working in the same area as him. The stratifiers play a significant role for Dr. James; due to his upper-middle class position, Dr. James is well respected in the community and by his peers. His race and ethnicity have played a significant role in shaping who he is currently due to the intergenerational Mobility of following suit of becoming a doctor just like his father and grandfather.
Social conflict describes Dr. James William's life in terms of the sociological perspective. Race-conflict focuses on people's c...
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