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Energy Technology Essay Research Coursework Paper Term Paper

Essay Instructions:

The intention around this set of homework assignments is to get students to familiarize themselves with
some of the research and technology that might change the world as we know it and propel innovation 20
years from now. We want you to look at some of these technologies and do the mental exercise of
imagining the possibilities they would unlock if/when they become widely available.
There will be five assignments worth 2% each of the total course grade for a total of 10%, your task is to
choose at least one of the technologies of the week, research it, and conceptualize an idea for a product
or a service around it in about 500 words, while citing your sources to justify why you think it would
work. Put yourself in the mindset of an innovator tasked with coming up with the next paradigm shift in
human technology and find quotable information and equations that support your idea.
1) Energy (Due the week of 09/18/2020):
LED / LiFi
Solar Energy
Wind Energy
Positive net energy nuclear fusion
Student idea on a future technology

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Mobile Intelligent Remote Health Care Monitoring System
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Mobile Intelligent Remote Health Care Monitoring System
Healthcare systems use technologies such as sensor technology and microchips to get real-time information on vital signs within the human body before their appearance. Most systems are easy to use and operate due to their being enabled with NFC technology, and this technology is being extended to healthcare settings in rural areas (Patel et al., 2012). This can be achieved through the latest mobile technology, Near Field Technology. This will also provide solutions to different healthcare needs. As such, the aim of this project is to develop an automated healthcare system based on the NTC technology. The system will use smartphone technologies such as mobile phones, PDA, and tablets, as well as the Internet of Things. The security and safety of patients is also considered in developing the project. The system will enable patients and doctors to access data remotely, with the data being maintained within a centralized cloud server. The intelligent system will also enable doctors to monitor healthcare facilities and operations remotely as they can access the data remotely.
This project aims at developing a system for healthcare facilities to use so as to relieve doctors from the load of monitoring the health of patients, as well as enhance accuracy and efficiency. The project achieves this by presenting the methodology that healthcare providers can use to monitor patients remotely using smart phone and NFC technology (Appelboom et al., 2014). The study proposes a new automatic patient monitoring system with the capacity to monitor and identify patients remotely, ...
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