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Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) on Law and Policy in Australia

Essay Instructions:

Assessment Description 


The purpose of the assignment is to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their research and writing skills. In researching and writing an essay they will develop a greater understanding of the topic by analysing, evaluating and applying their research. The assignment provides further opportunities for students to take responsibility for their own learning.

Task description

Students should answer the following essay question in 6000 words. The word count includes references/citations/bibliography. While it is common to follow the Australian Guide to Legal Citation in legal essay writing, for this course there is no preferred approach to referencing (e.g. Harvard, APA, Footnote-Bibliography). Whatever you choose, you should ensure the referencing style is consistent throughout the essay.

Essay Question:

In this recent study and companion Conversation article, Biermann et al argue that the sustainable development goals are failing to have a meaningful impact. They find changes in discourse and discussion of the SDGs, but little in the way of tangible impacts on law or policy.  Considering these findings, answer the following three questions in your essay. When providing your answers, utilise at least three intersecting sustainable development goals to support your analysis:

  1. Do you agree that law or policy for achieving the sustainable development goals and their targets is currently limited? 
  2. Given there is 7 years left to achieve the sustainable development goals, discuss:

a)       at least one barrier that you think is preventing, or may prevent the delivery of the sustainable development goals through law or policy.

b)      at least one law or policy reform that could enhance the implementation of the sustainable development goals.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Examining and Strengthening Laws on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) on Law and Policy in Australia
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Professor’s Name
April 17, 2023
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were established in 2015 as a comprehensive global plan to address pressing social, economic, and environmental issues by 2030. However, recent research by Kiara Worth (2023) and Biermann et al. (2022) argues that the SDGs fail to have a meaningful impact, particularly in law and policy. This paper critically evaluates the impact of SDGs on law and policy in Australia, focusing on three intersecting goals: Goal 13 (Climate Action), Goal 14 (Life Below Water), and Goal 15 (Life on Land). The paper examines the current legal and policy frameworks for achieving the SDGs in Australia, identifies a significant barrier preventing the delivery of the SDGs through law or policy, and proposes a potential reform to enhance their implementation. Drawing on the experiences of other countries that have successfully established national coordination mechanisms, the paper suggests creating a similar mechanism in Australia to improve the coherence and effectiveness of its SDG-related laws and policies, thus accelerating progress toward achieving the goals. The findings of this paper underscore the urgency for Australia and other countries to redouble their efforts and commit to the transformative change necessary to achieve the SDGs by 2030.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), established in 2015, were designed as a global strategy to address urgent social, economic, and environmental challenges by 2030. However, recent studies by Worth (2023) and Biermann et al. (2022) contend that the SDGs have yet to have a significant impact, particularly within law and policy. This essay ventures into the complex, intricate, and dynamic intricacies surrounding the influence of the SDGs on Australia's law and policy. Accordingly, the author of this paper seeks to examine three critical questions, namely; (1) whether the current law or policy for achieving the SDGs and their targets is limited in Australia, (2) what barriers are preventing the delivery of the SDGs through law or policy, and (3) what are the potential reforms that could enhance their implementation. The following sections will provide an overview of these issues, which will be discussed in greater detail in the succeeding chapters of this paper.
Lack of Cohesive Framework
A primary concern regarding the SDGs' impact on law and policy in Australia is the apparent need for a cohesive, overarching framework that fully integrates the goals into national planning and decision-making processes. However, the Australian government has made commitments to the SDGs, and translating these commitments into tangible policy and legislative action is lagging. The fragmentation of responsibilities across different jurisdictions and agencies dealing with various aspects of sustainable development creates challenges in coordinating and implementing effective policies and legal measures (Sachs et al., 2018). This disjointed approach may contribute to the limited progress made thus far in achieving the SDGs.
Accordingly, examining the spe...
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