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Business & Marketing
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Opening a chocolate shop Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

- essay about opening a chocolate shop in Abu Dhabi and the 3 priorities before launching the business and justify them.
- 5 paragraphs (7-8 sentences per paragraph) ( intro, 3 bodies and a conclusion)
- no first person narrative

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Opening A Chocolate Shop
Cocoa is for its flavor and aroma and there are qualities highlighting the need to get access to the best quality at affordable prices. Business owners seeking to open a chocolate shop make a decision of whether to set up a franchise or their own store. A franchise offers an existing brand that already established in the market and standardized processes. Chocolate can be used chocolate dessert, flavoring and even beverage. Advertising is important to raise awareness before the launching the chocolate shop business. Using different promotion channels including traditional advertising and digital advertising helps to publicize the business to the target market. Choosing an appropriate location, deciding on the product and sources of funding, are important consideration when opening a chocolate shop in Abu Dhabi.
Choosing strategically located premises is important to attract the target market. This type of business is usually located in areas that are easily accessible tourist areas, shopping centers or markets. It is important that the place has a good showcase, where there is appropriate decoration and chocolate products available. Some business have refrigerated glass displays that have where different types of chocolates pasta. Chocolate is one of the best-selling products internationally, and choosing the right location will help in marketing the place and products. The name, location and target market help in creating a positive brand. When choosing the location all the legal requirements and health safety standards are important.
It is important to do a re...
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