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Language, Culture and Power. Education Assignment.

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1.identify the key ideas of a reading
2. analyze the text drawing on at
least one other course reading
3. interpret your learning by
describing at least one outside
resource (personal
experience/anecdote, article,
poem, music video, artwork, etc.)
that reveal the same ideas/themes
from the reading (one paragraph
describing both sources).
4. Any questions or feelings the
reading brings up for you?

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Language, Culture, and Power
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November 29, 2020
Understanding the intersections between education and culture is essential for any educator. It allows him to understand not only how to teach the student academically, but also how to ensure his overall well-being. In this article, I would like to focus on Laura's experience in school. Laura is an 8th-grade transgender student who faced many difficulties when it comes to socialization and adaptation within the academe. Accordingly, the analysis would be made based on the idea of cultural differences within the educational setting.
On the one hand, the analysis would revolve around Laura, who was discriminated against due to her being a 'transgender individual.' On the other hand, the analysis would also focus on Derman-Sparks and Edwards' (2010) article entitled Learning about Culture, Language, and Fairness. All in all, I believe that Laura's difficulty is primarily based on the "conservativeness" of the subculture to which she belongs. Thus, it is the educator's responsibility to bridge this cultural gap little-by-little.
Educational Setting and the Workplace
One of the main reasons for Laura's difficulty in adaptation is the sub-culture in the academe. A subculture is generally defined as the individual's immediate culture in contrast to the dominant culture to which it belongs CITATION Der10 \l 13321 (Derman-Sparks & Edwards, 2010). Thus, even though the United States' general culture is relatively receptive to gender equality and preferences, the subculture of grade 8th students (and their parents) is generally conservative in nature. This subculture believes that there are only two sexes and are yet to be taught about concepts such as gender equality. I can attest to th...
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