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Communication and Team Work

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Please answer the following questions:
1- How has communication influenced teamwork in your experience?(for good or bad) Have you learned how to communicate effectively to boost teamwork? what has worked and what hasn't work?
2a- How has your experience with social media affected your ability to communicate face to face?
2b-what steps can you take to communicate more effectively in your role as a professional nurse?

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Communication and Team Work
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Communication and Team Work
In my experience, communication has influenced teamwork positively. For instance, effective communication helped identify the progress of each member of the team in as far as the achievement of the team goals is concerned. Further, effective communication enabled effective collaboration since each member was up to date with everything they ought to know. I have learned to communicate effectively to boost teamwork. For instance, I have learned the importance of being explicit so that others can fully understand what I mean.I have also learned to listen keenly since it is one factor for effective communication. What worked is that teamwork was enhanced by effective communication. What did not work was tha...
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