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Uber’s Organizational Transformation

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Watch the following video and review the articles below and respond to the following questions.
CBS News. (2017). Meet Bozoma Saint John: The woman tasked with fixing Uber’s image. CBS News. Retrieved from http://www(dot)cbsnews(dot)com/videos/meet-bozoma-saint-john-the-woman-tasked-with-fixing-ubers-image/
Solon, O. (2017). Can Bozoma Saint John repair Uber’s troubled image? Retrieved from https://www(dot)theguardian(dot)com/technology/2017/jul/28/bozoma-saint-john-troubled-image
Clay, B. (2010). Six Characteristics of Highly Effective Change Leaders. Retrieved from
Is there an “organizational transformation” needed by Uber that extends beyond the reparations of the company culture that are so clearly needed?
What should be the expected outcome (value/ benefits) of Uber’s organizational transformation?
What challenges confront Ms. Saint John in her role as the organization’s change leader? (Hint: Be sure that you consider both organizational and individual resistance to change).

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Uber’s Organizational Transformation
Is an “organizational transformation” needed by Uber that extends beyond the reparations of the company culture that are so clearly needed?
Uber has been exposed to the negativity that swirls around its culture of sexism, tolerance for the poor behaviors of drivers, toxicity, and concerns surrounding the safety of customers (CBS News, 2017). Admittedly, I have never been in tune with or well accustomed to the prevailing negativities regarding the company’s culture. During the tenure of Ms. Bozoma Saint John (Ms. John hereafter) as Uber’s first chief branding officer, I used to utilize this company’s services frequently. Still, I have never experienced any of these issues mentioned above. Therefore, my opinion is that the problem of Uber is not simply that of the climate of its workplace. Rather, the challenge that requires organizational transformation pertains to corporate cultural change concerning how certain practices are rewarded and maintained.
What should be the expected outcome (value/ benefits) of Uber’s organizational transformation?
Uber imperatively requires organizational transformation primarily focused on corporate cultural change, which concerns some significant company values and benefits. In this regard, Uber is expected to forecast the entire change pattern by holistically focusing on the problem to ensure that they fully address th...
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