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Idea of Joining Conversation Influence Reading Course Texts & Articles

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How does this idea of joining a conversation influence the way you read course texts and articles? When you are reading sources related to your synthesis paper, what should you be looking for? Why should you try to engage with the text and with your peers in discussing your understanding and interpretation?
(Maybe) Useful phrases:
While I agree on the part about...
My understanding of this idea/structure/approach seems to suggest that...
To build on what you've said, I also...
In contrast to your thoughts on..., I think that...
Although our points diverge in regards to...

Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:
Although individuals have different purposes while reading, the primary one is to gain new insights and knowledge about the subject matter. In the same context, diverse elements within the reading environment can influence how one approaches the learning materials. For instance, the idea of joining a conversation with my peers pushes me to have a deep interaction with the course texts and articles to ensure that I introduce discussion-provoking concepts during the process. While I agree on understanding the basic principles presented in a particular material, I value generating new perspectives beyond the conventional ones presented by an author. Such an aspect encourages ongoing dialogues in class.
My understanding of this aspect illustrates why I look for converging ideas to support claims when reading sources related to my synthesis paper. Focu...
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