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Everything You Know About Giving Feedback at Work Could be Wrong

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Article Summary
“Everything You Know About Giving Feedback at Work Could be Wrong” by Jane McGregor shows why managers might be wrong on how they focus on giving candid feedback. Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall portray that it is challenging for individuals to rate others’ performance. Many companies believe that their cultures are the best, but they never realize the problem associated with giving feedback once annually. The article shows that millennials do not look for feedback. However, they want audience and attention (McGregor, 2019). In that light, firms that emphasize constructive or candid feedback for millennials are doing it all wrong. Millennials are the majority of people using social networking platforms and look for followers. Feedback can be a distortion. Many individuals want a reaction of whether they have done it the right or wrong way.
The author depicts that excellence is non-homogenous. In other words, she says that people excel differently. There are no qualities or competencies that make an individual succeed if he or she follows them. I...
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