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Business & Marketing
Research Paper
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The Globalization and Its Impacts on Air Transport

Research Paper Instructions:

The nature of a research paper is to prove or disprove a thesis or hypothesis, not simply produce a report or provide information on topic. For example; a topic may be the impact of security on intermodal transportation. The associated thesis could be; actions taken to improve the security at ports has negatively impacted throughput, increasing costs and reducing the quality of operations. The research and body of the paper argues to prove the thesis statement.

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Globalization and Air Transport
The world has become very interconnected, with people having the ability to work anywhere in the world. Globalization has become a rather fashionable concept and one the social life that people live are now determined by the global processes, such as world economies and cultures (Boita, Grigorescu, Constantin & Ajtay, 2012). The national borders that once limited the distances and places travelled have since been diminished to mere lines on paper. For sovereignty purposes, the boundaries still exist. Other than that, people have the freedom to move across the globe. Transportation is one of the systems that has enabled the globalization process, where people have the ability to travel anywhere they want for business or pleasure. Air transport is a crucial part of the transportation systems and form the bulk of the travels that people take in and out of the country. Different airlines operate thousands of flights to different places across the globe. It is this element of the ease to travel that has had massive impact on globalization (Chandler, 1997). Ideally, the transport system may be seen as the one that has led to the current level of globalization. However, without globalization, air transport would be quite difficult. It the measures that have been put in places such as policies that have enabled the air transport to benefit from globalization. As such globalization is one of the most fundamental pillars that have aided the air transport to become a large and important entity in the world economies (Grancay, 2010).
Thesis Statement: globalization has revolutionized the air transport system making it more efficient.
Globalization is the processes that involves increased international integration of the various production processes as well as the markets for the various gods and services. As a result the various national economies have experienced a liberation in their national boundaries, reduces trade barriers that enhance business transactions, free movement of people, goods and services (Grancay, 2010). This also brings about more foreign direct investment as companies are able to expand to other countries and develop in other markets relative to demand and supply. Governments are able to transact with other governments and increase the level of multi-lateral trade (Dias, 2010). Different countries have different production capacities relative to the expertise and the resources that they have. As such, much like businesses operate, countries also sell what they have in surplus to other countries regardless of whether they are goods or services. People are thus able to consume services and goods that their country does not essentially produce. This is an aspect of globalization that has led to massive development across the globe. At the same time, people who have various professional skills are able to market themselves to a wider audience (Chandler, 1997). Nurses for example are able to level their country of origin and work in a foreign country. In the recent past, countries like Saudi Arabia have seen in influx of nurses coming in from across the globe (, 2016). As such the citizens in this cou...
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