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Business & Marketing
Research Paper
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iPhone Product Analysis

Research Paper Instructions:



1. Reflect upon your favorite product and/or service. Then collect marketing examples from each of these companies (SPRINT, AT&T, VERIZON, T-MOBILE).

2. Select your interest of the product or service. Who are the market leaders for their chosen product or service? What niche have they identified for their product/service? Is their product or service going to be a leader, follower, or challenger to well-established products or brands?

3.Imagine your project company as a marketing consultant has hired you. How do you describe their market? Please use segmentation variables, which are classified as demographic, psychographic, or behavioral in nature, as shown in Figure 7.2. (Details In "STP" file, attached)

4.  Please provide a detailed description of the typical customer in terms of key demographic, life style, geographic an product use behaviors (Details In "STP" file).

5.  Choose one targeting strategy from 4 types (Details In "STP" file).

6.  Please write your group project company’s positioning statement.  In this case, write VERIZON’s positioning statement only.


1.  Segmentation

In addition to needs, marketer’s use one or more segmentation variables to segment consumer markets.  Segmentation variables can be defined as dimensions that divide the total market into fairly homogeneous groups, each with different needs and preferences. Imagine you have been hired by your project company as a marketing consultant. How do you describe their market? Please use segmentation variables which are classified as demographic, psychographic, or behavioral in nature, as shown in Figure 7.2.



2.  Develop Segement Profiles

After segments are identified, marketers should develop profiles or descriptions of the typical customers within a segment. Please provide a detailed description of the typical customer in terms of key demographic, ifestyle, geographic an product use bevaiors.



3.  Targeting Strategy

Targeting is to choose a target strategy to follow. A fundamental decision must be made as to whether the firm will pursue a single large segment or focus on meeting the needs of multiple, smaller markets.  Choose one targeting strategy from 4 types below.

  1. In an undifferentiated targeting strategy, the marketer assumes that people have similar needs, and an attempt is made to appeal to a broad spectrum of people.  An example of a firm that follows a somewhat undifferentiated targeting strategy is Wal-Mart. Efficiency occurs because of enhanced economies of scale.  But in today’s day and age, following a purely undifferentiated strategy is risky; markets are fragmenting and for most products, needs are not similar enough to justify this technique.

  2. Instead, the more common practice is to follow a differentiated targeting strategy in which the firm develops one or more products (and marketing strategies) for each of several customer groups.  A differentiated strategy might also involve marketing a single product differently to different segments, by changing marketing communications to appeal to each targeted group.

  3. Firms that focus their efforts on a single segment use to follow a concentrated targeting strategy. One or more products may be promoted to the segment.

  4. Finally, a firm may choose to follow a custom marketing strategy which is explained in more detail on the following slide. : Tailoring specific products to individual customers.



4.   Positioning statement

Positioning statements typically include the segment(s) to which the product is targeted, the most important claim (differentiator) to be attributed to the product for the targeted. segment(s), and the most important piece of evidence that supports the claim made about the product. Please write your group project company’s positioning statement.


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iPhone Product
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iPhone Product
iPhone X is one of the latest smartphones produced by Apple. It was introduced into the market a year ago and currently seems to be doing well in the market with over 10 million sales across the globe in its first quarter. (Su, 2018). These phones have different internal memory and sizes. The products are found on our website, that is the features and details of each is indicated in each of the product.
Verizon is the largest company in the United States providing wireless telecommunications products and services in the country. Among the products and services supplied by Verizon include cellphone sales, home telephones and provision of internet services across various devices and platforms. These operations help them in terms of growth, and hence they excel in their work and marketing their products. It uses geographical and segmentation strategies to sell their goods. These particular strategies increase competitiveness by majoring on the youths to sell their products (Kovacs, 2018). The company offers communication services such as internet protocol, information technology, and data security.
T-Mobile Company, on the other hand, is a technological company popularly known in dealing with phones’ network. In 2014, Verizon and T-Mobile signed in the agreements to come up with 700 MHz spectrum license worth $200 billion which would improve the performance of their products (Ray, 2017). The investment has increased the reliability of the company by boosting its speed and increasing subscription sales. By the end of 2018, T-Mobile had nearly 80 million customers, the third largest wireless network operator in the United States.
Sprint Corporation is another American company providing telecommunications and internet services. The company offers a wide selection of wireless and mobile broadband products including Apple’s IOS and the Android-powered devices at competitive prices. With a clientele of 54 million users by the close of 2017, Sprint Corporation is the fourth-largest company in the US providing mobile network services (Sprint News Release, 2017). AT&T Inc. is among the largest providers of telecommunications services, cellular telephones services and fixed telephone services globally. AT&T Inc was ranked number 9 in the Fortune 500 rankings making it among the largest corporations in the US by revenues ("AT&T," 2019). The company is headquartered in Downtown Dallas, Texas.
The four companies account for nearly the entire subscriber connection in the US. The companies account for a significant positive impact on the US economy. For instance, the industry had a total of 207,324 direct employees in 2017, contributes $475 billion to GDP, and generates $1 trillion in economic output (Kovacs, 2018). Among the best phones in the market is iPhone, Samsung galaxy s9 plus, Samsung galaxy s10 plus, and Huawei. Among these phones, the iPhone has emerged to be a leader in the market. Samsung is well known for the devices and entertainment systems making it the leading global vendor. Recent statistics might reveal that iPhone comes second to Samsung, but with a whole new idea of the iPhone X with extra features, the iPhone could ...
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