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5 pages/≈1375 words
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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Effects of Flushing Technique in the Occurrence of CLABSI and Catheter Occlusion

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Please write a critic of quantitative research about the article and kindly follow the rubric and paper requirement as attached.

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“Impact of flushing with an aseptic non-touch technique using pre-filled flush or manually prepared syringes on central venous catheter occlusion and bloodstream infections in pediatric hemato-oncology patients: A randomized controlled study”
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The title given to this article is an effective one as it presented all the crucial variables involved in the study, the outcomes (occlusion in the central venous catheter and infections in the blood), the study design used (RCT), and was able to incorporate the population under study specifically the hemato-oncology patients that fall under the pediatric population. The intervention involves a flushing technique wherein the syringes were either prepared manually or using a single-use pre-filled syringe.
The main features were presented concisely in the abstract part. These features are easily found as it was presented under subheadings. The information presented was brief and concise, including the study purpose, the methods used, the key findings of the results, and the conclusion. The abstract presented a brief overview that can guide the reader on whether the whole report should be read or not. The focus of this research paper is to explore the comparison of flushing methods between flush syringes that are single-use and pre-filled to those that are prepared manually.
Introduction (statement of the problem)
A reasonable rationale was well-presented in the introductory part of this article. The need for this study was presented first as a background of the study and was supported by the literature. Furthermore, it also discussed how the problem is significant to the nursing practice since nurses play a crucial role in ensuring this safe delivery. A quantitative approach was also employed to match the research problem effectively. Overall, the authors presented a compelling, persuasive argument guided by the results and outcomes of recently published articles and systematic reviews. The study’s purpose was presented in the last part of the introduction, which stated to identify the effects of the intervention (flushing methods) in the occurrence of CLABSI and catheter occlusion.
Hypothesis / Research questions
The researchers indicated two questions. The main question asked whether flushing methods such as manually prepared and single-use pre-filled syringes can lessen the incidence of catheter infection (CLABSI). Another question asked about the effect of using the same methods in the reduction of catheter occlusion. Though the research questions were not directly stated, it was justified by presenting the problem and gap in knowledge discussed in the introduction. The study implied that the researchers predicted that the intervention outcomes would reduce the occurrence of CLABSI and catheter occlusion. The implication was also consistent with the existing knowledge.
Literature review
The introduction was supported by substantial evidence of the literature review. The literature review was up-to-date as almost half of the sources were published within the last five years, while the remaining were published within...
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