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Business & Marketing
Research Paper
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Forbes List Of Top 10 Corporate Citizens

Research Paper Instructions:

Forbes List of Top 10 Corporate Citizens

Pick one Company, Research the company, and briefly provide some reasons why they made the list.

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Name: Instructor: Institution affiliation: Date Question 4 Known as the world largest telecommunications company, AT & T ranks as position 1 on Forbes’ list of top 10 corporate citizens with an average score of 48.42. The company’s products innovation is centered on the notion that it must continue economic growth without inhibiting the environment’s ability to support human beings. It has stayed true to this notion as it ranked first in all Forbes’ ranking categories. The company supports almost 250 charities and programs where technology can change the environment and save lives. For instance, through “project hope,” AT & T provides a way through which health workers can accelerate the diagnosis of pneumonia. Women are economically empowered through the “Peace in Business” program. More so, workers are adequately compensated and cases of discrimination are not tolerated. Furthermore, the company has a climate change policy that it implements and legally obligates its customers, employees, and suppliers to adhere to. Question 5 Café solar stakeholders include customers, suppliers and any other people who play an important part in its operation. Café solar coffee is processed at off-grid and carbon-neutral processing facilities. Use of hermetic shipment system ensures quality is preserved and Ocratoxin A does not develop. This ensures customers get quality coffee free from any chemical preservatives. On the other hand, the company encourages its suppliers’ to use the Integrated Open Canopy (IOC) method to grow coffee. This method protects watersheds and provides a habitat to forest-depended species that are not supported by shade coffee. In Honduras, Café Solar has created a master degree in renewable energy that is open to all members of the Honduras society. This initiative is aimed at educating the society on the importance of using renewable energy rather than non-renewable energy. Question 6 At Ben & Jerry, racial justice is taken as a serious issue. Blacks, Negros, and Whites should be accorded same degree of justice. This is promoted at Ben and Jerry’s since no one chose to be born black, white or a Negron. Creation of Ben & Jerry’s BW pint slices well demonstrate the importance of justice in a society. B stands for blac...
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