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Literature & Language
Research Paper
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Source analysis (only). Literature & Language. Research Paper

Research Paper Instructions:

just the instructions. I only need 2 pages.
Essay 4 .......5-7 pages
Write a researched argument about the issue you discussed in assignment 3. If you hated it, you can change topics, but it still should be a topic that matters to you. This paper is your own argument, but you should take into account what you have learned during this course: begin by showing the conversation your paper is responding to (they say), have a clear statement of your own argument (I say), include quotes and incorporate them smoothly (5 different sources), point out possible objections to your argument, use appropriate transitions, and explain why the issue matters.
1 page explaining why you chose your topic and any others you may have considered. Describe your decision making process and think ahead to the research process: how will you investigate this topic? What type of sources will you loom for? What questions or concerns do you have about the project? The proposal should end with you giving me your thesis statement. It should be labeled...Thesis Statement
Source Analysis:
Discuss and evaluate 2 of the sources you found for the essay. Summarize each briefly telling what they say and write a short response to each that includes what you say. Also, list 3 quotes from the source that might be useful in your essay.
Format is
Source (MLA format), summary, response, 3 quotes

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Source Analysis
Purohit, Vikas, and Sundeep Mishra. "The Truth About Artificial Sweeteners – Are They Good for Diabetics?". Indian Heart Journal, Vol 70, no. 1, 2018, pp. 197-199. Elsevier BV, Accessed 4 Dec 2019.
Purohit, Vikas, and Sundeep Mishra claim in their Indian Heart Journal that artificial sweeteners are meant to benefit people who are diagnosed with disorders that are directly or indirectly caused by excess sugar in their systems. Artificial sweeteners are intended to substitute refined sugar, especially for obese and diabetic patients. The duo claims in this article that artificial sweeteners have low contents of calorie; hence, safe to use by diabetics and obese and provide them with calorie-free sweetness as well as a wide range of sweet food products that they would otherwise not use. This journal further maintains that although these artificial sweeteners may be useful in restricting the consumption of calories, most do not have beneficial impacts that can help to reduce or control the prevalence of diabetes mellitus.
Research has shown that these sweeteners, instead, facilitate the severity of the disease. Moreover, there are other safety concerns regarding the possibility that these sweeteners augment the risk of cancer. According to Purohit, Vikas, and Sundeep, "in physiological studies of artificial sweetener, both aspartame and sucralose were associated with significant postprandial hyperglycemia in comparison to Stevia” (198). Further evidence from the duo indicates that "Physiological evidence included consumption in the form of in diet soda/soft drinks. In a large meta-analysis of prospective studies, it has been shown that artificial sweeteners were associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus” (198). This further points to the fact that artificial sweetener...
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