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Responses to Individuals with Disabilities Education Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

There are four questions, one page response per question is requested (total four pages). Please use the attached references provided, you may use the links as well if you like, but the attached ones are the important ones. Please let me know if you have any issues accessing any of these and or if you have any further questions and how I can help. Thank you.
Specifically, the professor said, “Don’t give me fluff. For example, don’t spend half a page saying: “It is important for individuals with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities to learn about sexual education.” Cut to the chase. Why are the individual skills important and why is IT important?”

1. What would you do if you suspected that a prescribed medication was not having the intended effect? What type of information may be helpful to the prescribing physician? (4 points)
2. In the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities, the term dual diagnosis refers to an individual who has been diagnosed with an intellectual or developmental disability as well as a mental health diagnosis. It is also understood that some mental health problems and challenging behaviors are associated with some types of intellectual and developmental disabilities. Discuss whether intellectual and developmental disabilities and challenging behaviors or mental health problems overlap. (5 points)
3. Sanja is a kindergarten student with cerebral palsy. She is in a typical kindergarten class. Sanja requires opportunities to be out of her wheelchair each day for at least 1.5 hrs. She has a supine stander and a tomato floor sitter. The staff have been trained on how to safely transport her to each device, but they need a schedule. Create a schedule for Sanja’s staff considering her positioning needs. Provide a brief rationale for the type of position Sanja will be in for which activity. The class does the following activities: (6 points)
• 8:00-8:30 Morning meeting
• 8:30-9:00 Reading centers (computer, teaching tiles, writing)
• 9:00-9:30 Story time
• 9:30-10:15 Independent work
• 10:15-10:30 Bathroom break
• 10:30-11:15 Lunch
• 11:15-11:45 Recess
• 11:45- 12:45 Afternoon centers (computer, teaching tiles, writing)
• 12:45-1:00 Dismissal
4. People with intellectual and developmental disabilities are at a greater risk than other people for abuse, including sexual abuse. What could be done to reduce that risk? Consider what both the person with the intellectual disability could do and what you could do as the professional. (5 points)
References go as follows:
Question #1
3 attachments =
Common Medications profil….,
National Associaltion of spec…,
noel ch 30
You may also use this link: https://www(dot)singlecare(dot)com/blog/medication-management-for-people-with-disabilities/
Question #2
2 Attachments:

• 20201130080736769.pd
Question #3
1 Attachment:
Chapter 22
You may also use these links:
Question #4
2 Attachments:
Noel CH 41
Noel CH 43
You may also use these links: https://www(dot)npr(dot)org/2018/01/08/570224090/the-sexual-assault-epidemic-no-one-talks-about

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Responses to Individuals with Disabilities
Institutional Affiliation
Responses to Individuals with Disabilities
If a patient suspects that a prescribed medication is not having the intended effect, the doctor should be told. Some patients may present with different side effects such as weight gain while taking antipsychotic medications. In this case, people should pay extra attention to exercise and diet to control weight. Other common side effects may include issues with menstrual periods, a decline in sexual interest or ability, skin rashes, or sunburns. The doctor may then prescribe a different form of medication because a physician may not tell beforehand the type of medication that will work for an individual patient. In most cases, patients must try several types of medications before having the one that works best for them (National Association of Special Education Teachers, 2019). Different people may vary in their responses to medications. Besides, people vary in how fast they improve in terms of their symptoms.
Many patients show substantial improvements by the sixth week during their treatment. If a patient does not show any improvement, then the doctor may try different types of medications. Since some drugs are highly potent, any side effects should be reported to the doctor, and he or she may prescribe a lower dosage. Other medications are not as potent as others, and higher doses may be required to treat the conditions patients are suffering from. Unlike most prescription drugs that are taken several times a day, some medications used to treat antipsychotic conditions can be taken once a day (National Association of Special Education Teachers, 2019). To manage daytime side effects like sleepiness, such medications can be taken at night. For medications that are available in “depot” forms, it is recommended that such treatments be taken once or twice a month.
In the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities, dual diagnosis is a common scenario. In a dual diagnosis, an individual diagnosed with an intellectual or developmental disability may as well be diagnosed with a mental health diagnosis. Some mental health issues and challenging behaviors are often associated with some common types of intellectual developmental disabilities. These intellectual and developmental disabilities and challenging behaviors or mental health conditions often overlap. Among patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities, such as individuals with moderate and severe levels of intellectual impairments, it may be difficult to identify comorbid psychiatric diagnoses, and presentation may be with hyperactivity, self-injury, or aggression (Hellings & Boss, n.d). Comorbidity refers to the diagnosis of one or more disorders where a condition co-occurs with a primary one. These overlaps are common in the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities.
“Challenging” behaviors or problems occur in over 20% of people suffering from intellectual and developmental disabilities (Hellings & Boss, n.d). Mental health conditions are 3-4 times more likely among individuals of all ages with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Besides, Hellings and Boss (n.d...
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