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Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Language as Power: "Native Son" and "The Wife of His Youth"

Coursework Instructions:

Using direct evidence from the selection from Native Son as well as “The Wife of His Youth,” discuss the ways both authors use language as power. What is your emotional response to these selections, and specifically, how does the language choice in the texts influence your position? Which selection has the most impact?

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Language as Power: "Native Son" and "The Wife of His Youth"
The selected readings, "Native Son" by Richard Wright and "the wife of his youth," by Charles W. Chesnutt, are written in the African-American dialect. This follows from the literary naturalism that dictates the use of a language by the authors. The setting of the book and the intended audience also dictate the literary style used. Both Richard Wright and Charles W. Chesnutt are African American writers who, in most cases, did write on oppressions.
For instance, Gilyard, Keith and Anissa Wardi in "A strand of social protest," depict that most African-American literacy as one that is used to describe racism and how the African-Americans are underrated and present their political grievances. The works of Richard Wright and Charles Chesnutt are also a continuation of the theme, "A strand of social Protest," via the use of the language literacy. The two books employ Ebonics, which is a term coined from phonics and ebony. Various sections in their writings depict this type of language. In the "Wife of my Yout...
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