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2 pages/≈550 words
3 Sources
Research Paper
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Licensing of Psychologists in Texas

Research Paper Instructions:

Texas Licensing Requirements
The Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists establishes guidelines for anyone who seek to practice psychology in Texas. The Council offers three types of psychological licenses: Certified Psychologist, Psychological Associate with a permission, and School Psychology (Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists).
Activity Description
Laws and Regulation
For this assignment, you are required to search the state licensing board of Texas or the state in which you live.
These can be found at: TEXAS IS THE STATE I NEED California Board of Psychology Laws and Regulations (2015) http://www(dot)psychology(dot)ca(dot)gov/laws_regs/
Review the APA Ethics Code: http://www(dot)apa(dot)org/ethics/code/index.aspx

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Licensing in Texas
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Licensing in Texas
To practice as a psychologist in the State of Texas, one must acquire a license from the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychology (TSBEP). TSBEP has put in place a Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council (TBHEC) that is charged with the issuance of licenses. One should acquire a license from the council licenses to practice as either a licensed psychologist, a licensed psychological associate, or a licensed specialist in school psychology. Each of the licenses requires one to meet specific legal requirements.
To become a licensed psychologist, TBHEC requires one to meet five legal requirements. Notably, one should have attained a doctoral degree in the field of psychology and should have passed the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology. The council also expects an applicant to provide evidence that they have passed the Jurisprudence Examination. In terms of experience, the Council dictates that one should have served a minimum of 1,750 hours in a supervised formal internship in the doctoral program (Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychology, 2022). In addition, one should also have 1,750 hours of supervised experience after they are conferred with their doctoral degree. Notably, the documentation for supervised experience is waived if one has an active-license and five-year experience in another jurisdiction.
The applicant for a licensed psychological associate should have a graduate degree in psychology with 60 semester credit hours and a maximum of 12 practicum hours. Notably, the applicant must prove that they can identify the various training listed in their transcripts (TBHEC, 2022). One should have also completed six semester credit hours under the supervision of a licensed psychologist. The applicant for the license should have passed the Jurisprudence Examination as well as the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology. If one would like to receive independence practice authority, they must have at least 3,000 post-graduate supervised experien...
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