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An Analysis of Beethoven’s Musical Legacy Amidst Hearing Loss

Research Paper Instructions:

i will upload a thesis statement that I wrote about Beethoven's deafness, please read the thesis statement carefully and base on the same topic write a research paper, make sure including some music work as examples.

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An Analysis of Beethoven’s Musical Legacy Amidst Hearing Loss
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Ludwig van Beethoven (whose exact birth date is not known, but was baptized on December 17, 1770) was a German composer and musician. Born in Bonn, Beethoven displayed his musical talents early in life. His father was a tenor in service of the archbishop-elector of Cologne, who was instrumental in giving Beethoven his earliest music lessons. At the age of 10, Beethoven started his formal composition and piano lessons and proceeded to publish some pieces in his early teens. Beethoven was a crucial figure in the Western classical music, where he holds an important influential position for music students, with his works having strong expressions and spiritual components, pushing players to the limit. Beethoven is unmatched, and his legacy has left a mark, with professionals studying and modelling it to this day. Amid these achievements, Beethoven battled the challenge of hearing loss. Despite the affliction, Beethoven's compositional outputs continued to flourish, with the works done after the hearing loss very incredible. The legendary "Ninth Symphony" came about during the period of the severe hearing loss. What pushed Beethoven to continue composing despite the tragic deafness? In what ways did Beethoven adjust his compositional style in the midst of such challenges? These questions need a critical examination. This paper investigates Beethoven’s deafness, and how it led to a transformation of musical styles.[Rehfeldt, Ruth Anne, Stephanie Chan, and Brian Katz. "The Beethoven revolution: A case study in selection by consequence." Perspectives on Behavior Science 44, no. 1 (2021): 69-86.] [Sullivan, John William Navin. Beethoven: His spiritual development. London: J. Cape, 1927.]
Early and Middle Music Style
An analysis of Beethoven’s musical evolution before the onset of his deafness is critical in establishing his journey over the years. From 1790 to 1792, Beethoven composed various works, which were not published at the time, something that displayed his growing range in music and composition. In 1792, when Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the prolific and influential composer of the classical era died, Beethoven responded to the feeling that he was Mozart’s successor and immersed himself in studying his role model’s work and writing works with the same flavor as Mozart. However, it is important to note that Beethoven did not immediately establish himself as a composer. Instead, Beethoven opted to devote his time to study and performance. Beethoven worked under the direction of Joseph Haydn, learned violin under Ignaz Schuppanzigh, and occasional instruction from Antonio Salieri. Studying under such influential musicians and composers allowed Beethoven to adhere to classic forms and structures. Beethoven's early works are an indication of the innovations that he did on his already established foundations.[Krebs, Mary L. "The Compositional Influence of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart on Ludwig van Beethoven’s Early Period Works." (2018).]
Beethoven’s early and middle works include diverse compositi...

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