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Organizational Structure of Amazon Analysis

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Organizational Structure of Amazon
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Organizational Structure of Amazon
Amazon has cemented itself as the largest internet retailer in the world over the past two decades. It operates in 12 marketplaces, providing service to customers from over 180 countries globally. Its structure can be classified as hierarchal with senior management of three CEO and senior vice presidents. Despite its size, it has remained flexible with its management structure to accommodate frequent changes in the marketplace. As an organization, it is responsible for the well-being and career development of its employees. This report analyzes Amazon and the relationship with its employees and the goal of little turnover, especially with its employee size.
The company is adamant on an aggressive business diversification strategy for growth; therefore, the organizational structure remains dynamic. Employees are told to forget "poor habits" they might have picked up in previous jobs. To be the best employee, one has to follow the leadership principles, a total of 14 rules inscribed in laminated cards. Competition is encouraged to the extent of tearing down colleagues' ideas in meetings and working more hours than others. The company boasts of its standards by claiming that they are unreasonably high and the primary catalyst for their success CITATION Kan15 \l 1033 (Kantor & Streitfeld, 2015). Employees have an internal phone directory that gives them instructions on contacting their bosses or colleagues. Most of the time, it is used to sabotage others, but it can help hold each other accountable if used correctly.
Amazon advertises its job openings on its website that are well categorized based on teams. Each job opening states the available slots that need to be filled with full-time, part-time, and seasonal options. Job descriptions are adequate as there reveal the background of the company, its services, customers, and what they expect from the employees. Job descriptions contain two types of qualifications, basic and preferred. The basic qualifications are direct but contain the general qualifications for a job. Job specification qualities make the shortlisting process easier and accurate; therefore, the company also adds preferred qualifications for the position. Amazon maintains that having qualified for the preferred qualifications category does not necessarily guarantee a job. Amazon prides itself as an equal opportunity employer on the minority, women, veterans, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, and age spectrum.
The size of Amazon as an organization means that the human resource managers have more responsibilities than those of other companies. This position directly impacts the company's results and outcomes by being the difference between the success and failure of proposed organizational strategies. It can predict, design, and forecast the impact of a strategy and how it will sync with the employees and objectives of the company CITATION Dud20 \l 1033 (Dudovskiy, 2020). The current recession economic cycle is unpredictable; therefore, the HRM departments need to make sure the short-term and long-term vision of the company is coming together. Amazon...
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