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Case Study: Nordstrom Rack

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The video link is https://www(dot)viddler(dot)com/embed/fd437bba

11.3 Nordstrom Rack Case Study DiscussionThe purpose of this assignment is to understand how organizations can improve their operations through listening to their customers.
Watch Nordstrom Rack video
A answer all the questions below in your initial post:
1. Why do people shop at Nordstrom Rack (exchange)?
2. What is the key situation faced by Nordstrom Rack?
3. List Nordstrom Rack’s main Strengths
4. List Nordstrom Rack’s main Weaknesses
5. State their central marketing objective (must synch with # 2)
6. Describe the typical customers purchasing clothing (target markets)
7. Describe the typical customer purchasing behavior for clothing (Extended, Limited, Habitual, Impulse)
8. How does Nordstrom Rack create value?
9. Make one value creation recommendation (must synch with # 2)
10. Make one value capture recommendation (must synch with # 2)
Grading criteria is the number of correct responses in the 10 items above. Answers need to reflect understanding of concepts covered in chapters 16 and 17.
You will not be able to see the posts of your classmates until you make your initial post. While you are not required to reply to your classmates for this assignment you are encouraged to read the posts of your peers and look for any disagreement or alternative viewpoints. If you provide constructive feedback to a classmate or two, it will count towards your total grade. This means if you make one mistake on any of the questions above, you can offset that mistake through participation and still get an A.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:
Nordstrom Rack Case Study Discussion
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Nordstrom Rack Case Study Discussion
1 Nordstrom attracts shoppers due to their great branding concepts and the lowered prices, which several buyers can afford. Their products also come in great and admirable value.
2 One of the company’s issues is keeping the brands chosen by most of its clients. They also need to expand by increasing the number of shops from 194 to around 300 in locations where customers can access their products.
3 The first is the expansion of online retailing on their website to compete against other online sellers. This gives customers easy accessibility. Creativity to keep their customers updated on their mobile applications for their pre-ordered items. The other is an easy check-out system combining everything in a shopper’s cart.
4 They do not have enough stores to cater to all their customers. They need a nationwide expansion to compete well with other retailers. Their stocking potential does not meet all the needs of their clients. Sometime...
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