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Personal Argument Educational Goals and Values

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Name: Course: Institution: Date: Personal Argument Educational Goals and Values American education has attempted to acquire significant reforms in values education to no avail because the norm should come out from the learners. The main aim of the reform is to give students the capability to understand the role of values in their own lives and the life of society encompassing human interaction. In this case, students gain knowledge on how to reflect on issues and acquire perfect knowledge on the effect of important values and choices of the decisions made in the learning process. Making choices and life decisions is inevitable not only for students but also for all humans hence the scholars should always be ready to face such occasions once in a while (Farmer, P.71). The educations system came up with various strategies to help students in the attainment of values education including; clarification, moral reasoning, value analysis and development of values. These tactics work helping students to focus on their work as they also watch their behaviors to achieve good values in the learning process. The main source of excellent values is developed from within the students and not all the other factors surrounding their education. Teaching strategies are always available in all education systems but the first change originates from the mind of the learners. The motivation factor and level of students depend on self-drive and the entertained relationships and not the type of the school (Farmer, P.75). Many students fail because they look down upon the institutions they enrolled in and not their specific goals in learning resulting from lost values. Students should always work towards their objectives regardless of the level of the schools they enrolled in because all centers offer equal opportunities for college admissions and success. Value demands that there exist many paths to success and college admission is just one of the pavements but not the only one. Therefore, students cut off from college admissions should invest in what suits their performance and level of education as everything is based on making all individuals better citizens in every aspect. Students should also look forward to achieving their dreams in any college despite the problems and challenges faced on the journey to success (Mead, P. 832). Parents should also make sure that they choose the best institutions for the children and in this case, public schools have proven to give the best education systems and learning processes that help students to achieve future ...
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