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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
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Evidence-based Practice Proposal: Solution Description

Research Paper Instructions:

Write a paper of 500-750 words (not including the title page and reference page) paper for your proposed evidence-based practice project solution. Address the following criteria:
Proposed Solution: (a) Describe the proposed solution (or intervention) for the problem and the way(s) in which it is consistent with current evidence. Heavily reference and provide substantial evidence for your solution or intervention. (b) Consider if the intervention may be unrealistic in your setting, too costly, or there is a lack of appropriate training available to deliver the intervention. If the intervention is unrealistic, you may need to go back and make changes to your PICOT before continuing.
Organization Culture: Explain the way(s) in which the proposed solution is consistent with the organization or community culture and resources.
Expected Outcomes: Explain the expected outcomes of the project. The outcomes should flow from the PICOT.
Method to Achieve Outcomes: Develop an outline of how the outcomes will be achieved. List any specific barriers that will need to be assessed and eliminated. Make sure to mention any assumptions or limitations which may need to be addressed.
Outcome Impact: Describe the impact the outcomes will have on one or all of the following indicators: quality care improvement, patient-centered quality care, efficiency of processes, environmental changes, and/or professional expertise.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Upon receiving feedback from the instructor, refine "Section D: Solution Description" for your final submission. This will be a continuous process throughout the course for each section.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE PROPOSAL SECTION D: SOLUTION DESCRIPTION [Your Name] [Course No.] [Professor] UNIVERSITY 29TH MAY 2018 PROPOSED SOLUTION The proposed solution is holistic healthcareintervention/integrated healthcareintervention that incorporate a wide range of preventive and management strategies that range from nutritional to physical interventions. SOLUTION DESCRIPTION The intervention is consistent with the current body of literature as it is underpinned by the existing body of evidence-based research literature.Although obesity has been predominantly perceived as an individual problem, the recognition of obesity as an epidemic has sparked a paradigm shift since it impacts different racial/ethnic groups, age groups, social-economic class, and communities. Consequently, successful obesity interventions must now incorporate strategies that address the entire populations or ethnic communities given the common risk factors among certain communities (Zhang et al., 2014; Activity, 2006). The intervention incorporates improvement in the level of physical activity as this is effective in tackling the problem of physical inactivity among Black Hispanic women aged 40-59. These activity enhancing interventions ought to be culturally relevant in order to achieve a desirable increase in physical activity. The spectrum of obesity prevention suggests that any obesity intervention that targets a particular ethnic/racial group must incorporate policy and legislative approaches that could include government legislative action to reduce sugar content in sugar sweetened beverages as well as the availability of high-calorie, energy-dense foods. These legislations could limit or regulate the availability of high sugar, high calorie foods in federal or state sponsored nutritional programs like the federal nutritional assistance (Foster-Schubert, 2012). The intervention will also involve changing organizational policies, environments and practices. These changesshouldencompass passing of legislations that compel restaurants to label the food caloric content on the hotel menus, boosting availability of fruits and vegetables in a workplace restaurant, prohibiting excessive stocking of high caloric as well as energy dense foods in all learning institutions (Wadden, 2014). The intervention should also incorporate a relative cost adjustment strategy where prices of unhealthy foods should be adjusted above that of fruits and vegetables as deterrence to potential consumers (Daubenmier et al., 2016; Foster-Schubert, 2012). The proposed intervention shall promote adjustments in communities and neighborhoods (Foster-Schubert, 2012; Sharma, 2008;Koniak-Griffin et al., 2015). Thus the preventive initiatives should be implemented locally prior to implementation across the state. Such strategies should encompass fast food restaurant zoning, support establishment of local supermarkets or groceries within the community to boost fruit and vegetable intake(Daubenmier et al., 2016). Several studies have cited community based policy strategies targeting local communities to have a high success rate that includes planning, implementation and program monitoring (Wadden, 2014; Foster-Schubert, 2012). Furthermore, the intervention should incorporate effective com...
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